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From: "Piotr F" <p...@N...gazeta.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.dyskusje
Subject: Sprawdzenie CV
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:03:20 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: "Portal Gazeta.pl -> http://www.gazeta.pl"
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Czy może ktoś rzucić okiem na CV? Będę wdzięczny za uwagi.
Electronic engineer with 10 years wide – ranging experience in RF design,
involved in product definition, system and hardware design, component
selection, assembly, test and service. I have a broad knowledge and experience
of both analogue and digital circuits design.
Personal information
First name, surname: xxx
Address: xxx
Telephone: xxx
E – mail: xxx
Nationality: Polish
Date of birth: xxx
Gander: Male
Work experience
October 1999 - present RF electronic engineer
Company name, address, Poland
• Microwave hardware simulation, design and debugging (passive devices,
filters, LNAs, wideband synthesizers, oscillators, frequency mixers, etc.)
• Microwave systems design, integration and service
• Microwave measurements and tests (network analyzers, spectrum analyzers,
power meters, signal sources, noise measurements, etc.)
• Analogue and digital electronic design and debugging
• PCB layout design
• Tests and fault diagnostic
• Electromagnetic compatibility design and tests
• Management of the RF equipment supplying (contractors and subcontractors)
• Team working experience
October 1994 – June 1999 Master Degree of Electronic Engineering
Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
Faculty of Microelectronics and Photonics /
Faculty of Electronics
Diploma thesis: The WDM and optical CDMA in telecommunications systems.
The 1st prize in competition for the best diploma thesis at the Faculty of
September 1989 – June 1994 Electric Technician Diploma with honours
Technical High School, Nowa Ruda, Poland
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue: Polish
Other languages: English – intermediate (CEF level B1/B2)
Russian – basic user (CEF level A2)
Computer skills and competences
Operating systems: Windows, Linux
Programs: MS Office, Open Office, Microcal Origin
Simulation software: Eagleware Genesis, PSpice / TINA
Electronic board layout design: Protel / Altium
Programming software: Turbo Pascal, basic knowledge of Assembler 8051
Mechanical drawing: AutoCAD
Additional information
Driving licence for cars (B category)
References available upon request
Wysłano z serwisu Usenet w portalu Gazeta.pl -> http://www.gazeta.pl/usenet/
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