Data: 2003-02-27 16:52:15
Temat: Trochę humoru
Od: "Boa" <b...@b...wroc.pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Mam nadzieję, że nikt mnie nie objedzie za slownictwo puszczane na grupę....
List od zarzadu pewnej miedzynarodowej instytucji do polskich
From: Headquarter
To: All Polish Speaking Staff
Subject: Improper Language Usage
Importance: High
It has been brought to our attention by several officials
visiting our office in Poland that offensive language is commonly
used by our polish speaking staff. Such behavior, in addition to
violating our policy, is highly unprofessional and offensive to
both visitors and staff. All personnel will immediately adhere to
the following rules:
1.. Words like jebal to pies, kurewskie zycie, chuj and other
such expressions will not be tolerated or used for emphasis or
dramatic effect, no matter how heated a discussion may become.
2.. You will not say jebac when someone makes a mistake, or
pocalujcie mnie w dupe if you see someone being reprehended, or
gówno when a major mistake has been made. All forms and
derivations of the verb srac and jebac are utterly inappropriate
in our environment.
3.. No project manager, section head or administrator under any
circumstances will be referred to as chujek, chuj, zajebaniec or
4.. Lack of determination will not be referred to as srac nor
will persons who lack initiative be referred to as chuj.
5.. Unusual or creative ideas offered by management are not to be
referred to as pierdoly.
6.. Do not say idz sie jebac if somebody is persistent; do not
add pojeb, if a colleague is going through a difficult situation.
Furthermore, you must not say zjebalismy to (refer to item 2) nor
Wyjebiemy sie na tym when a matter becomes excessively
7.. When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say
pocaluj mnie w dupe nor should you ever substitute "May I help
you?" with "Czego kurwa chcesz!?".
8.. Under no circumstances should you ever call your elderly
industrial partners kurewski dostawca.
9.. Do not say idzcie do pizdy z tym chujem when a relevant
project is presented to you, nor should you ever answer metrowy
chuj ci w dupe when your assistance is required.
10.. You should never call partner representatives as zajebana
swinia or kurewski debil.
11.. The sexual behavior of our staff is not to be discussed in
terms such as pizda jebana, kurewskie bydle or chujowy pedal.
12.. Last but not least, after reading this note, please do not
say moga sobie tym podetrzec tylek! Just keep it clean and
dispose of it properly.
Thank you.
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