
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeTrochę humoruRe: Trochę humoru
  • Data: 2003-02-28 20:42:52
    Temat: Re: Trochę humoru
    Od: kingram <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Boa wrote:
    > Mam nadzieję, że nikt mnie nie objedzie za slownictwo puszczane na grupę....
    > Pozdrr.,
    > Boa.
    > ------------------------------------
    > List od zarzadu pewnej miedzynarodowej instytucji do polskich
    > pracownikow:
    > =============
    > From: Headquarter
    > To: All Polish Speaking Staff
    > Subject: Improper Language Usage
    > Importance: High
    > It has been brought to our attention by several officials
    > visiting our office in Poland that offensive language is commonly
    > used by our polish speaking staff. Such behavior, in addition to
    > violating our policy, is highly unprofessional and offensive to
    > both visitors and staff. All personnel will immediately adhere to
    > the following rules:
    > 1.. Words like jebal to pies, kurewskie zycie, chuj and other
    > such expressions will not be tolerated or used for emphasis or
    > dramatic effect, no matter how heated a discussion may become.
    > 2.. You will not say jebac when someone makes a mistake, or
    > pocalujcie mnie w dupe if you see someone being reprehended, or
    > gówno when a major mistake has been made. All forms and
    > derivations of the verb srac and jebac are utterly inappropriate
    > and
    > unacceptable
    > in our environment.
    > 3.. No project manager, section head or administrator under any
    > circumstances will be referred to as chujek, chuj, zajebaniec or
    > debil.
    > 4.. Lack of determination will not be referred to as srac nor
    > will persons who lack initiative be referred to as chuj.
    > 5.. Unusual or creative ideas offered by management are not to be
    > referred to as pierdoly.
    > 6.. Do not say idz sie jebac if somebody is persistent; do not
    > add pojeb, if a colleague is going through a difficult situation.
    > Furthermore, you must not say zjebalismy to (refer to item 2) nor
    > Wyjebiemy sie na tym when a matter becomes excessively
    > complicated.
    > 7.. When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say
    > pocaluj mnie w dupe nor should you ever substitute "May I help
    > you?" with "Czego kurwa chcesz!?".
    > 8.. Under no circumstances should you ever call your elderly
    > industrial partners kurewski dostawca.
    > 9.. Do not say idzcie do pizdy z tym chujem when a relevant
    > project is presented to you, nor should you ever answer metrowy
    > chuj ci w dupe when your assistance is required.
    > 10.. You should never call partner representatives as zajebana
    > swinia or kurewski debil.
    > 11.. The sexual behavior of our staff is not to be discussed in
    > terms such as pizda jebana, kurewskie bydle or chujowy pedal.
    > 12.. Last but not least, after reading this note, please do not
    > say moga sobie tym podetrzec tylek! Just keep it clean and
    > dispose of it properly.
    > Thank you.

    Hue, he, heeee, heeee, hiiii, hhhhuaaaaa.....
    Czekaj az sie pozbieram z podlogi.....
    Puszcze to kolegom z amadeusa (PS. Nigdy nie padaja tam tego typu
    sformulowania), tym nie mniej tekst (o ile nie wyssany z palca) powalil
    mnie na kolana i zmusil moj brzuch i okolice do znacznego zwiekszenia
    czestotliwosci ruchow drgawkowych...

    Czy mozesz powiedziec ktory "palant" (nie bylo w instrukcji, ze nie
    mozna uzywac ;o))), wpadl na genialny pomysl stworzenia czegos takiego?
    (w ktorej firmie etc...)

    Best Regards

    (-) Krzysztof Ingram

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