
PracaOferty pracy PolskaSenior Business Analyst

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Senior Business Analyst




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Senior Business Analyst
NR REF.: 1192225

Hays IT Contracting is a B2B-based collaboration. We connect IT specialists and engineers with the most interesting technology projects on the market. Join the group of 500 satisfied contractors working for Hays clients!

We are currently looking for an experienced Business Analyst to join our client39s team in the aviation industry.
Long-term B2B contract via Hays. 100% remote work, with a salary of 118 net + VAT/h.

The position involves working on Smart LOAD, an innovative internal aircraft loading system.

Knowledge of weight and balance solutions and flight operations will be key to ensuring that the system meets the operational needs of the airlines.
• Collecting and translating customer requirements into technical specifications.
• Conducting business analysis to align with operational needs.
• Collecting and documenting functional and non-functional requirements from stakeholders.
• Analyzing gaps between customer needs and system capabilities.
• Collaboration with developers, UX designers and QA.
• Defining requirements for user stories.
• Maintaining functional documentation and defining acceptance criteria.
• Supporting testing (UAT) and validation of new features.
• Participating in customer meetings.
• Traveling to customer sites to support implementation, training and process optimization.

• Minimum 5 years of business analysis experience, including at least 3 years in the aviation industry in logistics or software development.
• Knowledge of flight operations, weight and balance or load planning.
• Experience with business analysis standards (e.g. UML, system use cases, business cases).
• Experience with software design tools (e.g. Enterprise Architect, yED).
• Basic knowledge of XML/XSD for data structure analysis.
• Fluent English.
• Preferred: BA certification (e.g. CCBA).

Recruitment process:
• Your CV will be reviewed by a Hays recruiter.
• One recruitment meeting with Manager.
• Welcome to the project!

Hays Poland sp. z o. o. is an employment agency entered into the register kept by the Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodeship under number 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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data publikacji: 2025-03-20

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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