1. Data: 2003-06-07 09:03:10
Temat: .waitress
Od: n...@t...pl
We're nearly 18 years old Polish students. We're looking for a job in restaurant or
pub (especially near to Rimini). We'd love to work in Italy for two monts- since
July 'till August 2003. We could speak English (FCE 2003- December), and one of us
has 'full computer skills'- ECDL certificate.
We're learning in Collegium Gostomianum- one of the best high- school in Poland
(Sandomierz). We're hard-working, polite. We've won several singing contests (as a
duet). We love dancing, swimming, and entertaining people.We're taking part in EU
program COMENIUS- exchange with the student from Emendingen Goethe Gimnasium.
Qualifications- we're quite young but have enought time and skills to learn new
things.We worked in local bar.
We're waiting only for serious offers.
PS. Could you tell us about accommodation, salary and time (hours) of work?
Caroline & natalie
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