1. Data: 2003-07-22 14:39:24
Temat: Virtual reality programist - looking for job
Od: "M.Starzykowski" <n...@w...pl>
I' vrml2.0 programist , and I still looking
a job in Poland.
What can I do ?
- vrml2.0 ( ISO/IEC specification) programing
- I can use extended nodes from :cortonaNative 4.1 , GeoVrml
and HAnimation (in progress)
- I known X3D (next version of vrml , standard will available
in one or two months)
- I can make 3D scene with your object, smaller than picture
of this object (smaller size in kbytes). It's an ideal
for internet product presentation .
- vrml supported all internet mechanism (ftp,http,mail etc.)
- vrml supported a lot of media format (avi,jpg,png,gif, swf{flash}
MPEG -1 and MPEG-2
My portfolio