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From: "SANAARI SOA BPEL, Websphere & Weblogic" <s...@g...com>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
Subject: Starting New Batch for SOA BPEL/OAF & ADF Class Room Training with real time
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 05:29:04 -0700 (PDT)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a more agile and
comprehensive way to integrate information systems and business
processes in more traditional integration approaches. Companies need
to reskill their staff, however, in order to take advantage of this
new methodology.
Our SOA knowledge-transfer engagements cover a broad range of job
roles, including Architects, Developers, Business Analysis and
levels of technical and business management. Additionally, Sanaari's
SOA curriculum addresses all of the core and emerging SOA standards,
including: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, BPEL, WS-Security, WS-Policy, ESB.
At Sanaari we know what it takes to be successful with SOA. More
importantly, we understand the learning process and adoption stages
associated with SOA. This has driven us to create a full range of SOA
training and mentoring services from single courses, to full learning
paths, to blended training and mentoring engagements. We want to be
your SOA partner to ensure your success in whatever capacity you may
Starting New Batch for SOA BPEL Class Room Training with real time
instructor where the instructor and Participant interact sharing and
share notes to provide a very close and personalized training
We are suggesting you to update your tech skills By Learn SOA BPEL
coming future projects, now SOA BPEL, OAF, ADF very good booming
Sanaari Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.,
44/SRT, SR Nagar, Near S.R Nagar
Community Hall,
Land Mark: Lane besides UMA Bakery IInd Left.
Help Line: 40048283 / 9949714567
Visit for Registrations
New Batch Starting
We provide Online Training also
Other batches Starting Shortly
Web Sphere Server Admin
Web Sphere Portals
Web Logic Server Admin
Oracle Portals
Sun Solaris
Lotus Notes
Perl Script
Unix Shell Script
Symbian OS
Oracle Apps Finance
Oracle Apps Technical
Further Details Contact at:
Sanaari Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
SRT-44, S.R.Nagar,
Hyderabad-500 038.
Tel: 91-40-4004 8283
Mobile: 9949714567
Najnowsze wątki z tej grupy
- Koder szuka pracy. Koduję w j.: Asembler, C, C++ (z bibl. Qt) i D.
- Koder szuka pracy. Koduję w j.: Asembler, C, C++ (z Qt) i D.
- Jakie znacie działające serwery grup dyskusyjnych?
- is it live this group at news.icm.edu.pl
- Programista C++ z Qt
- Tworzenie oprogramowania na zamówienie klienta . Realizacja aplikacji na bazie Access VBA , Excel VBA , SQL Server, .NET. Faktura VAT i VAT EU #061022
- Realizacja aplikacji baz danych w Access VBA , Excel VBA , SQL Server, .NET . Faktura VAT i VAT EU
- szukam pracy
- Oprogramowanie biurowe na zlecenie
- Oprogramowanie biurowe na zamówienie - bazy danych
- Bazy danych na zamówienie
- Tworzenie oprogramowania na zamówienie klienta. Bazy danych - realizacja aplikacji Access VBA , Excel VBA, .NET. Faktura VAT i VAT EU, #020719
- Programy bazodanowe na zamówienie
- Aplikacje bazodanowe na zlecenie szybki termin
- Pisanie programów na zlecenie/zamówienie na bazie Access VBA , Excel VBA, .NET, bazy danych SQL Server, wg specyfikacji klienta, faktura VAT i VAT EU - 070519
Najnowsze wątki
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- 2025-03-15 Warszawa => Senior Frontend Developer (React + React Native) <=
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