
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeRe: rekrutacja i praca w Volantis Systems w KrakowieRe: rekrutacja i praca w Volantis Systems w Krakowie
  • Path:!!not-for-mail
    From: "Stanislaw Lewak" <>
    Newsgroups: pl.praca.dyskusje
    Subject: Re: rekrutacja i praca w Volantis Systems w Krakowie
    Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:41:36 +0000 (UTC)
    Organization: "Portal ->"
    Lines: 98
    Message-ID: <dvqv3g$gc2$>
    References: <dvdv7u$40$> <dvh1dm$ldm$>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
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    X-Trace: 1143013296 16770 (22 Mar 2006 07:41:36 GMT)
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:41:36 +0000 (UTC)
    X-User: volantispl
    Xref: pl.praca.dyskusje:177350
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    To all,
    an open letter from Volantis Systems Ltd. Oddzial w Polsce to the people of
    this list.

    I am the General Manager at Volantis in Poland. We are growing our development
    center in Krakow, and plan on Krakow to be the main source of developers
    developing exciting new applications, that help Volantis (considered a leader
    in the wireless field) to change the world, one mobile at a time.

    We have just hired, (and will have start next week) a person that will be
    helping with communicating (in Polish) via the message boards, and answering
    your questions. One of their first duties will be to make a Polish Post of
    this message.

    The post you are referring to was not done by a HR person, not done by a
    marketing person, but by a real employee that does development. I invite you
    all to come visit the office if you wish to see that there are real people
    that have a positive opinion regarding Volantis.

    We are actively growing, and expect to have over 100 team members by the end
    of the year. Hopefully sooner, especially with your help. :)

    We are a new company in terms of being a Polish Employer, yet we are over 6
    years old, with offices in Guildford (south of London) UK, Seattle, US , and
    sales/support offices in Europe and Asia.

    But being new on the Polish to the Polish labor Market does not imply that we
    have been idle elsewhere.

    Volantis Chairs the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Device Independence
    Working Group, and its employee is the W3C Activity Lead for Multimodal
    Interaction, in which voice, vision, touch and gesture are used together to
    enhance a user's experience of the Web.

    Volantis has so far raised $30m in four rounds of funding, involving Accel
    Partners, Kennet Venture Partners and Softbank Europe Ventures.

    Volantis counts as it's customers over 28 worldwide mobile operators (where
    T-Mobile counts as one, even though there is a T-mobile UK, T-mobile Germany,
    T-Mobile USA) and is considered the world's leading supplier of Intelligent
    Content Adaptation solutions for the Mobile Information Age.

    Volantis is not limited to just mobile operators. In addition, Volantis
    solutions power Ebay (with the mobile ebay application), and we shall soon
    announce other world class clients.

    Volantis decided to base our development in Poland, due our experience of
    Polish Developers. I had the privilege of working with Polish Developers
    starting in 1990, and found that the developers here, were world class, with
    the work product being licensed to companies such as Reuters, Sun
    Microsystems, Microsoft amongst others.

    I firmly believe that Poland has an incredible resource, that is IP
    (Intellectual Power) that can be harnessed and exported. This is a renewable
    resource, and is good for the economy of Poland. Our vision is to harness this
    IP to work with our UK office to develop applications that are world changing
    and world leaders. We are looking for full time employees for the following
    positions: Technical Consultants (in our Professional Services Group),
    Technical Project Managers (in our Professional Services Group), Java
    Developers (in our Products Group), Ruby Developers (in our Products Group),
    Test/QA Engineers, Support Engineers, Device Engineers, Product Managers (in
    our Products Group), as well as UI Designers and Web Designers that have a
    knowledge of python, PHP and other scripted languages.

    more information can be had at the following link:

    As Ruby is still a relatively new language, we are willing to take C++ or C#
    programmers who have an interest in learning Ruby.

    We believe in paying a good wage, and also help with relocation allowances.

    We believe, that we shall only have great things come out of the Krakow
    Development Center, and look forward to working with those of you who want to
    help us change the world, one mobile at a time...

    I apologize for posting this in English, yet I wanted to quickly correct the
    wrong impression that the original Post was one of our HR or Marketing people.
    Not so.

    If there are any questions or issues please feel free to email us at
    job.poland (at) or email me at: gm.poland (at)

    Stanislaw Lewak
    General Manager
    gm.poland (at)

    Volantis Systems Ltd
    Oddział w Polsce
    ul. Wadowicka 6C
    30-415 Kraków
    Tel: +48 12 297 24 00
    Fax: +48 12 297 24 01

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