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From: "Aleksander Galicki" <c...@p...fm>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.dyskusje
Subject: Re: Informatyk (programista/projektant) - cechy pożądane
Date: 9 May 2007 12:01:00 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]> AlterEgo wrote:
> >> Tak jak napisałem, to wychodzi w praniu!
> >> A skoro nie potrafisz odpowiedzieć na najprostrze bytanie, bo jakbyś
> >> potrafił, to raz dwa byś odpowiedział, to sądzę, że twoje kompetencje są
> >> mizerne.
> >
> > Wyluzuj chłopie; nie ty mnie będziesz egzaminował, więc się nie podniecaj.
> > Niektóre sprawy wychodzą wcześniej niż w praniu, np. frustracja i problemy
> > z ortografią.
> Ooo, proszę jak wychodzą cechy charakterku, szybciej jak w praniu!
To jakas nowa technika: odpowiadac nie na temat i bez przeczytania na co sie
odpowiada, rozkrecac sie, rzucac oskarzenia a na koniec plonkowac.
Nawiasem mowiac, na pytanie dlaczego w IT jest tak malo kobiet, dosc ciekawie
odpowiedzial P. J. Eby : http://dirtsimple.org/2006/12/real-reasons-there-are
few-women-in-it.html .
"In short, worrying about inappropriate presentations is far downstream of the
actual problem. The real problems are:
1. Women don't apply for the jobs,
2. When they do, they aren't hired (or at least not for the best positions),
3. When they are hired, they're sometimes driven out by having to deal with
a**holes of whatever variety
The way you fix problem #3, however, is by not hiring a**holes. Not by trying
to teach them Social Skills 101 (like "don't use porn in a slideshow, a**hole").
See, the difference between me and the people who are talking about how we
should fix this "problem", is that they believe that it's possible to reform
the attitudes of the uncivilized en masse, and I don't. Instead of trying to
reform them, I simply don't hire them in the first place. No amount of
technical competence is enough to make up for somebody being an a**hole, and
it's not my job to teach somebody how to be a decent human being. I'm running
a place of business, not a charm school or etiquette academy.
Meanwhile, the way that you fix problem #2 is also by not hiring a**holes. Not
hiring a**holes causes you to hire fewer men on average, thereby leaving more
room to hire women (by causing the positions to stay open longer, thereby
compensating for the smaller number of women applying)."
Wysłano z serwisu OnetNiusy: http://niusy.onet.pl
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