
PracaOferty pracy HolandiaSpray Shop Employee

Kto szuka:

Forte United B.V.


Spray Shop Employee




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your responsibilities: 

You will be working on spraying, blasting and shot blasting various products such as railings, fences, playground equipment, semi-finished products, street furniture and machines. In addition, you will perform maintenance on the spray installations and the spray booth, ensure a clean working environment and assist with other tasks such as conservation work, applying wear layers and cleaning civil objects. 

Our expectations 

You have a technical background and are open to new challenges in a paint shop or blasting hall. You are not afraid to get your hands dirty and have the physical condition to do this work. 

This is what we offer 

  • Contract   : Long term contract with permanent stay in future possible 
  • Start: as soon as possible 
  • Hours a day: 38 hours a week 
  • Holiday money: 8 % 
  • Holiday days: Building up monthly based on the ammount of hours you worked 
  • Place of work: The Netherlands 
  • Accomodation: A good accomodatoon (with your own room) provided 
  • Health insurance: a basic health insurance is arranged and you pay the costs € 38,50 a week 
  • Residential work traffic:Public Transport possible and paid (if not, we offer the possibility to use a company car) 

A brief description of the company 

It is a multifunctional family business within civil engineering, with services in the areas of Technology, Playground, Infrastructure/GWW, Service & Maintenance of movable objects (including bridges) and Lines & Marking. 

They stands for the following core values: delivering quality, innovative working methods, upholding human standards and values ​​within the structure of a family business. 

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2025-03-20

do końca oferty: 56 dni

pracodawca: Forte United B.V.

branże: Dział techniczny


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