
PracaOferty pracySenior Dam Engineer

Kto szuka:



Senior Dam Engineer



Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Job Description
  • The successful candidate will already have significant experience of dam engineering and may already have received some formal accreditation.
  • Lead projects within a framework of water industry, dam engineering and hydropower within the UK and internationally.
  • Provide technical direction to project teams, including studies, design, performance monitoring for all types of dams and hydraulic structures.
  • Use appropriate software to provide advice, solutions and successful outcomes for our clients.
  • Build relationships within the industry and wider our clients Waterpower and Dams community.
  • Assist others in business development, bid preparation and securing a sustainable pipeline of work.
  • Provide guidance and mentoring to less experienced members within the team.
  • Mentoring with a route to become a member of the All Reservoir Panel for the right candidate.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Qualifications and Skills
  • A formal engineering qualification (Bachelors Degree, Masters).
  • Ideally, a Chartered Engineer with experience in the fields of dam and reservoir engineering.
  • Strong technical experience in structural, hydraulic or geotechnical engineering as applied to the management and design of dams and reservoirs and their associated hydraulic structures.
  • Knowledge of relevant codes, standards and guidance documents, and an appreciation of current developments.
  • Track record of delivery of successful projects and the ability to support winning tenders.
  • Ability to identify and employ innovation and leading-edge technologies to meet client needs.
  • Willingness to travel and a valid driving licence.
  • Work as part of a team to suggest improvements which will benefit our clients.
  • Strong quantitative, client focused writing, communication and analytical skills.
  • High proficiency in MS office applications, include Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
  • A knowledge of AutoCAD would be useful.

Firma oferuje:

Other Information
  • The successful candidate could reside in Poland and travel to UK or could be relocated to the UK.
  • Some overtime and weekend work may be required.
  • A competitive salary will be offered depending on the level of experience and skills and the county of residence.
  • Salary from GBP 37,000 to GBP 57,000.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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data publikacji: 2025-01-20

do końca oferty: 15 dni

pracodawca: HYDROPLAN

branże: Budownictwo / Nieruchomości / Architektura


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