
PracaOferty pracy SzczecinTax Transformation Manager

Kto szuka:

METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.


Tax Transformation Manager


Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your responsibilities:
  • in close collaboration with the Corporate Tax function:
    • co-create the design of the centralized Tax function for the METRO group,
    • build process blueprint for all main processes in Tax, including definition of relevant KPI’s and integration of internal controls,
    • create operational framework for processes to be centralized in GSC,
    • define the Tax Transformation program agenda,
  • support the execution of the Tax Transformation program by implementing the new operating model for the Tax function by:
    • implementing services in VAT and income tax environment for all METRO companies,
    • establishing a Tax team in GSC with proper setup, skill set and scalability potential,
    • centralizing (supporting execution of the transition process) relevant processes in GSC (included but not limited to Tax Reporting, VAT Compliance and Transfer Pricing), ensuring compliance with legal standards and respective guidelines,
  • in alignment with Corporate Tax function strategically develop, manage, and monitor the Tax process centralized in GSC by:
    • identifying opportunities for scope enhancement,
    • ensuring effective adaptation of processes the new business/legal requirements,
    • proactively identifying opportunities for continuous efficiency improvement of the processes through optimization and digitalization,
    • fostering close collaboration within Tax Community (Corporate Tax function, local/regional Tax Business Partners, GSC Tax function) on all relevant tax matters,
    • implementing process and quality measurement to ensure operating with maximum efficiency and high quality,
    • building expertise and providing knowledge/consultancy to operational Tax teams in GSC,
    • ensuring adequate documentation of existing processes,
  • support of local/regional Tax Business Partners during tax audits,
  • optionally/temporarily: provide leadership and oversight to operational Tax teams in GSC.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Our requirements:
  • master’s degree in economics, law, or related field,
  • certified tax advisor (Doradca Podatkowy) in Poland will be strongly preferred,
  • 7+ years of progressive experience in tax role, including strong experience in VAT compliance and tax reporting within an international consulting firm and/or an international company,
  • proven track of record in process optimization (tax technology, tax process improvements and/or tax transformation work) and project management,
  • experience in finance operations in centralized locations environment is preferred,
  • comprehensive knowledge of income tax, indirect tax processes, IFRS and tax accounting, at least basic knowledge of international tax law and willingness to expand these skills, especially in transfer pricing,
  • fluent in Polish and a high level of proficiency in English, both written and spoken,
  • strong strategic planning and execution skills, with the capability to lead complex projects and transition initiatives in a global setting,
  • outstanding analytical competence and advanced problem-solving abilities,
  • strong communication and stakeholder management skills,
  • profound intercultural competence and proven ability to operate effectively in a multicultural environment,
  • great presentation skills, with strong knowledge of Power Point, MS Excel, and other MS Office tools,
  • demonstrated ability to lead, motivate, and develop people,
  • ability to work in a fast-moving environment with high deadline pressure,
  • strong preference towards the office presence of minimum 3 days a week.

Firma oferuje:

We provide:
  • stable employment in an international corporation, which is constantly growing,
  • chance to expand knowledge and experience in various areas,
  • private medical care and group insurance, also for family members, 
  • cash benefits as part of the Social Benefits Fund, i.e., Christmas allowance,
  • co-financed sports card, 
  • team and company integrations after hours, 
  • hybrid work.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-10-18

do końca oferty: 10 dni

pracodawca: METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.

branże: Księgowość / Audyt


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