
PracaOferty pracy SzczecinInternal Control Finance Specialist

Kto szuka:

METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.


Internal Control Finance Specialist


Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Main area of responsibility will include:
  • Performing internal control of accounting processes,
  • Participating in the design of new controls for migrated accounting processes,
  • Testing the designed controls,
  • Contributing to the development of internal controls for other units within the Metro Group,
  • Auditing procedures prepared by operational teams,
  • Actively identifying risk points in processes and seeking improvements,
  • Preparing documentation for audits,
  • Working on team, company-wide, and group-wide projects.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

We are inviting to this recruitment everyone who has:
  • Practical experience in accounting, internal control, or audit,
  • Education in accounting or a related field,
  • Analytical thinking skills,
  • Attention to detail,
  • Problem-solving and collaborative approach,
  • Strong organizational skills and self-reliance,
  • Initiative and commitment, along with good communication skills,
  • Very good knowledge of English.

Firma oferuje:

We provide: 

  • Stability - the first contract is for 6 months, the next for an indefinite period, because we believe that you will stay with us for as long as possible,
  • Tasks that matter - 84% of our employees consider their work to be important,
  • Non-wage benefits - up to PLN 8,000 per year per person, including, among others, performance awards, holiday subsidies, money for holidays and culture, money for job referrals,
  • Relocation package - PLN 6,000 to move to Szczecin,
  • Professional training - in the fields of accounting, software - SAP, soft skills and language learning with a total value of up to PLN 10 000 per person per year,
  • Free access to eTutor,
  • Internationality - the languages you know are used by us every day, English is a must!
  • Higher salary of PLN 400 to PLN 1,400 if you know an additional language,
  • A clear career path - you can be promoted to a new position after just one year!
  • Vertical and horizontal promotions, we regularly recruit internally - 78% of our Team Leaders come from internal recruitment and this number is constantly growing,
  • Enhancing knowledge and experience in various areas,
  • Support for ACCA students - including an extra paid day off for the exam and reimbursement of the ACCA exam costs, which guarantees you accounting certification,
  • Good atmosphere - 78% of our employees consider the working atmosphere to be positive,
  • Open working culture - your superiors are available to you, we focus on relationships and communication, we are all there for you,
  • Team and company integrations after hours - 2 times a year you integrate with your team, 2 times a year with the whole company,
  • Free breathing training worth up to PLN 2,100 per person per year - because your well-being is important to us,
  • Private medical care and group insurance, also for family members,
  • Subsidised sports card,
  • Anniversary gifts such as a speaker or Kindle or annual prizes such as a PLN 2,000 voucher for whatever you want,
  • Air-conditioned, green office in a state-of-the-art building in the city centre - you can reach us by public transport from any part of the city, avoiding traffic jams,
  • And, of course, free coffee and employee discounts to service outlets in the Posejdon office building.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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data publikacji: 2025-03-04

do końca oferty: 15 dni

pracodawca: METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.

branże: Bankowość / Leasing


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