
PracaOferty pracy SzczecinAutomation Developer

Kto szuka:

METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.


Automation Developer


Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your main area of responsibility in this position will include: 
  • Defining, designing, building testing VBA-based automation tools for accounting tasks, including invoicing, reconciliation, clearings, reporting and others.
  • Maintaining and refactoring existing VBA tools to ensure their effectiveness and scalability.
  • Knowledge sharing within the team supporting Automation Supporters through code reviews and collaborative discussions to continuously improve automation solutions.
  • Building technical documentation for created solutions to ensure clarity and maintainability.
  • Working closely with the accounting team to identify opportunities for automation, implement new solutions, and refine existing processes.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Your skills:
  • Strong knowledge of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) with experience in automating business or accounting processes.
  • Ability to define business requirements and effectively solve problems.
  • Proven experience in creating and modifying SAPscript and integrating it with VBA macros.
  • Basic understanding of accounting principles and financial processes (a plus, but not mandatory).
  • Fluency in English at a minimum B1/B2 level.
  • Eagerness to learn and grow, particularly in automation and process optimization.
Additional skills (nice to have):
  • Python: experience with Python for automation or data manipulation is a plus.
  • Power Automate: knowledge of Power Automate or other automation platforms for end-to-end process automation.
  • SQL: experience in querying and manipulating data in relational databases.
  • Power Query: familiarity with Power Query for data transformation and reporting.

Firma oferuje:

We provide:
  • Stable employment in an international corporation, which is constantly growing.
  • Chance to expand knowledge and experience in various areas.
  • Private medical care and group insurance, also for family members.
  • Cash benefits as part of the Social Benefits Fund, i.e., Christmas allowance.
  • A monthly salary supplement for knowing an additional language.
  • Co-financed sports card.
  • Team and company integrations after hours.
  • Hybrid or remote work.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
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data publikacji: 2025-02-03

do końca oferty: 17 dni

pracodawca: METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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