Znajdź oferty pracy
Dostępne oferty pracy:
Accountant with Italian
2025-03-03 METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.
obserwuj ofertę miejsce pracy: Szczecin , Plac Brama Portowa 1
oferta w kategorii: Księgowość / Audyt
General duties: responsibility for performing basic tasks within a selected area of accounting, issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, care for ...
Junior Accountant
2 oferty, 1 region ▼2025-03-01 METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.
obserwuj ofertę miejsce pracy: Szczecin , Plac Brama Portowa 1
oferta w kategorii: Księgowość / Audyt
Your tasks: responsibility for performing tasks related to intercompany relations within the Group, ensuring the efficiency, accuracy, and timeliness of all tasks, close cooperation with international partners, full engagement in the ...