
PracaOferty pracy WrocławSAP Quality Engineer

Kto szuka:



SAP Quality Engineer




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

  • Develop comprehensive test plans and strategies tailored to SAP environments or large enterprise solutions.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to understand project requirements and define testing objectives.
  • Design and document detailed test cases based on functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Execute manual and automated tests, ensuring thorough coverage of all scenarios.
  • Identify, document, and track defects using tools like Jira, xRay, Zephir, and GTP.
  • Work closely with developers and project managers to ensure timely resolution of defects.
  • Organize and oversee manual testing activities performed by the quality assurance team.
  • Ensure that all testing processes adhere to quality standards and project timelines.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • QA/QE expertise in SAP area or with large enterprise solutions
  • Strong experience in test planning, test case design, test execution, and defect management, usage of test tools (Jira, xRay, Zephir, GTP)
  • Ability to organize and perform manual testing by quality team
  • Experience in Front-end automated tests (e.g. Selenium, START, Vyper, Qmate)
  • Experience with functional and non-functional testing
  • Experience with Scrum/Agile
  • Experience in CI/CD (optimally: SAP BTP, CFD/FBE)
  • Strong communication skills and proactiveness in problem resolution, ability to work closely with project managers, developers, and product owners
‘Nice to have’ skills
  • Several years of experience (user/consulting/development) in SAP area on Standard (Product) Development or projects for SAP customers
  • Some development experience for SAP Projects (JAVA, ABAP) would be an advantage
  • Knowledge of support and maintenance processes and tools (ServiceNow)
  • German and/or Polish knowledge would be an advantage.

Firma oferuje:

  • Young and friendly team,
  • Corporate and social events,
  • Social package (additional medical insurance, Multisport or sports activities compensation, etc.),
  • Free English and German courses.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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data publikacji: 2025-01-28

do końca oferty: 13 dni

pracodawca: LeverX

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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