
PracaOferty pracy WrocławSAP HCM Payroll Consultant

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SAP HCM Payroll Consultant




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

What We Offer
  • Access to SAP Latest Technologies: Stay on the cutting edge of innovation with direct involvement in the most exciting SAP projects.
  • Learning Hub: Continuous learning through an extensive library of resources, training materials.
  • Growth Opportunities: Tailored employee development plans, support for professional certifications, internal meetups, and technical/business English and German courses.
  • Career Progression: A structured career path with annual assessments, hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies, and professional events attendance.
  • Wide Technology Stack: Work on diverse projects across industries, expanding your knowledge in various SAP modules.
  • Stable, Competitive Pay: 100% official salary, ensuring transparency and stability.
  • The experience of our consultants will allow you to develop your skills regardless of your current level.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • Participate in the development of conceptual projects and preparation of technical documentation;
  • Configure SAP HCM Payroll system to meet client business requirements;
  • Apply strong knowledge of human capital management processes and SAP technology to help clients achieve business objectives;
  • Focus on business process re-engineering efforts and technology enablement;
  • Conduct knowledge transfer and training of end-users, including sharing best practices.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Computer Science, Math, Engineering, or equivalent discipline required;
  • More than three (3) years prior professional consulting or equivalent industry experience in the design and development of SAP HCM solutions;
  • At least three (3) years of recent hands-on systems configuration experience within the SAP HCM Payroll;
  • Confident understanding of the concept of payroll in SAP (stages and various aspects of the calculation);
  • Understanding of the ABAP programming language at the debugger level (debug);
  • Strong communication and presentation skills;
  • Strong ability to facilitate discussions and negotiate mutually beneficial solutions when necessary;
  • English level: Intermediate or higher.

Firma oferuje:

Additional Perks
  • Internal Education Systems: Regular technical meetups, soft skills training, and personal development programs.
  • Corporate Events & Team Building: Strengthen your bonds with colleagues while enjoying corporate events and social activities.
  • Corporate Library: Access to a wide range of professional literature and the opportunity to request books to aid in your development.
  • Work-Life Balance: We support a healthy balance between work and personal life with flexible work policies and a positive corporate culture.

Ready to take your SAP career to new heights? Join LeverX and work with the best in the industry, driving innovation and creating impactful solutions for leading global clients!

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
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data publikacji: 2025-01-24

do końca oferty: 16 dni

pracodawca: LeverX

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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