
PracaOferty pracy Wrocław › Accounting Team Leader

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HTH Recruitment


Accounting Team Leader




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your responsibilities
  • Assign scope, lead, manage, coach and develop the financial/accounting controllers’ team in the region
  • Work closely with R2R Lead and GPO on further process improvements and coordinate standardization and harmonization opportunities
  • Make sure the correctness, completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the month close process
  • Make sure the company accounts are with accordance with accounting and reporting guidelines and all critical R2R processes are executed in a complete and timely manner
  • Coordinate with various departments (both finance and non-finance across the region) to ensure financial records are accurate and completed in a timely manner
  • Close collaboration with GL and Retail Accounting Team Leaders and making sure that the R2R processes run efficiently
  • Overlooking/accountability for the group and statutory financial statements and tax compliance with collaboration with our external and internal providers
  • Coordination of the timely submission of monthly, quarterly and annual reporting
  • Coordination of the external and internal audits processes
  • Making sure R2R in control and compliance requirements are adhered to
  • Guide financial decisions by establishing, monitoring, and enforcing policies and procedures.
  • Supporting Business Controlling function in Budgeting and Forecasting processes
  • Develop and maintain effective communication, interaction, and excellent relationship with GBS and non-GBS internal stakeholders

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Our requirements
  • Master degree in Finance/Accounting
  • Professional Accounting Qualification (such as ACCA/CPA) or country equivalent education is a plus
  • Minimum 10-15 years’ work experience ( in the finance operational roles/ accounting roles)
  • Couple of years of experience as team leader/ manager
  • Ability to coordinate number of topics/ priorities under time pressure
  • Ability to overlook and deliver complex statutory and taxes requirements including statutory financial statements preparations, tax returns will be a significant plus
  • Person full of passion with ability to influence and communicate in the efficient manner
  • Comfortable working in dynamic and constantly changing environment, change management skills
  • Ability to work with multinational and diverse teams as well as senior management of the company
  • Tolerant, empathetic, open, thick skinned, resourceful and self-starter
  • Working experience in SAP or similar system
  • Fluent in English (both verbal and written)

Firma oferuje:

  • Sharing the costs of sports activities
  • Private medical care
  • Corporate products and services at discounted prices
  • No dress code
  • Coffee / tea
  • Parking space for employees
  • Holiday funds
  • Modern office

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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sprawdź szczegóły

data publikacji: 2024-06-26

do końca oferty: 13 dni

pracodawca: HTH Recruitment

branże: Księgowość / Audyt


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