
PracaOferty pracyOccupational Health and Safety Leader - Poland

Kto szuka:

Headcount Solutions Polska Sp. z o.o.


Occupational Health and Safety Leader - Poland

Numer referencyjny:




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

The role

  • Your role will involve monitoring compliance, conducting risk assessments, providing training and promoting a culture of safety within the organization.
  • In this position you report directly to the group COO
  • The office location can be based in any of the following regions: Wielkopolskie/Dolnoslaskie or Pomorskie in Poland. Travel between the various sites would be critical to ensure a shared value and cultural acceptance of the company OHS is delivered efficiently and effectively across the group.
Key responsibilities
  • Development of a comprehensive OHS concept in line with international standards, procedures and measures to reduce occupational safety risks and to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, ensuring rapid implementation
  • Training and promoting work safety standards across the organisation
  • Auditing of production plants for compliance with specifications and identification of potential for improvement
  • Ensuring legal conformity of measures taken for occupational safety and health protection
  • Accident analysis and ensuring the implementation of adequate corrective measures
  • Development, implementation and tracking of performance indicators
  • Acting as contact person for business units, all operational and administrative sites and HSE officers in matters of legal compliance
  • Ensuring the local HSE officers are empowered to become agents of change when implementing and developing systems and standards
  • Preparation and implementation of certification ISO 45001 in accordance with o Team leadership of the group-wide occupational safety team across all factories
  • Ensuring full compliance with all PPE needs are never compromised with continuous assessment and investments in PPE as technology and system evolve.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Required skills and experiences

  • University education suitable for an industrial production environment. Addition qualification in the field of occupational health and safety
  • Extensive professional experience in the field of occupational safety, ideally, in an international manufacturing company
  • Excellent expertise in occupational safety principles and methods
  • Experience in creating work safety processes and instructions
  • Very good knowledge of health, occupational and fire safety legislation
  • Experience in change management in the field of occupational safety
  • Experience in accident investigation and reporting, root cause analysis in the production environment
  • Leadership experience and skills ideally in an international context
  • Experience in implementing ISO 45001 and certified auditor desirable
  • "Hands on" mentality and focused on practical and actionable solutions
  • Experienced handling of stakeholders at all levels
  • Excellent oral and written Polish and English language skills
  • Willingness to travel internationally

Firma oferuje:

An excellent opportunity for a highly motivated OHS Manager to bring their experiences to bear within an expanding international group. Working alongside international colleagues and being part of the leadership team that invoke and lead change. Embracing the whole Safety systems culture and a big awareness of sustainability processes ensuring that ESG values are complimentary to this exciting opportunity. 

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-12-31

do końca oferty: 4 dni

pracodawca: Headcount Solutions Polska Sp. z o.o.

branże: Produkcja / Przemysł


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