
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaTrademark & Design Manager

Kto szuka:

JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.


Trademark & Design Manager

Numer referencyjny:





Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

What this position is about - Purpose: 


The main accountabilities are to manage trademark and design matters relating to an identified part of the JT Group trademark portfolio. Business partnering with key JTI business functions, specifically the Brand Groups, to ensure that that relevant branding opportunities are pursued and protected as the company builds on its intellectual property. To perform trademark and copyright clearance for any product or related activation material. To manage conflicts and advise on opportunities to defend or enforce the JT Group trademarks, via administrative or court proceedings.


What will you do - Responsibilities: 
  • Serve as the primary contact for trademark matters for one or more Brand Groups, offering confident, proactive advice on risk and guiding risk acceptance. Build strong relationships with Brand Groups, ensuring visibility and alignment on projects.
  • Oversee a global trademark portfolio for specific brands, including managing conflicts, key IP litigation, and conducting portfolio reviews to ensure protection in relevant markets.
  • Proactively identify and leverage trademark and design opportunities, implementing strategies to address infringement and counterfeits effectively.
  • Manage a network of local IP counsels, ensuring quality performance and addressing any issues.
  • Stay updated on global intellectual property law and competitive industry landscapes through research and seminars. Monitor global trademark applications within the tobacco industry.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Who are we looking for - Requirements: 
  • University Law Degree and part or fully qualified Trademark/Design Attorney qualification (or an equivalent qualification with relevant IP experience in private practice).
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in a similar position or within a law firm specializing in IP, Trademark, Designs, and Copyright.
  • In-house experience strongly preferred.
  • Proven understanding of a multinational business environment.
  • Strong legal research and analytical skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage risk and make informed decisions.
  • Experience leading IP-driven projects and handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Fluent in English with excellent oral and written communication skills.

Firma oferuje:

What we offer:
  • Competitive pay and attractive annual bonus.
  • On-going development opportunities in multinational environment, wide variety of projects, ambitious goals and independence in achieving them. Promoting from within culture.
  • Freedom with responsibility (we trust your competencies, ability to manage your time and your scope of work).
  • Lot of flexibility in terms of work arrangements (work from office or from home).
  • Private medical care (various options to choose) and life insurance.
  • Employee pension and savings programs.
  • JTI Family Leave Benefit – including extended paid paternity leave and fully paid maternity leave.
  • Multisport card, foreign languages classes.
  • Wide variety of trainings, webinars and professional courses on our e-learning platforms, including sponsored certification programs (for employees fulfilling the admission criteria).
  • Modern office with traditions (Art Norblin Factory) in convenient location, equipped with a library, mindfulness zone, spacious kitchen, garden terrace, massage chairs and underground bicycle parking.
  • Working in a diverse and inclusive organization of 43 different nationalities.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2025-01-22

do końca oferty: 21 dni

pracodawca: JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.

branże: Prawo


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