
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaThermal Engineer

Kto szuka:

Hays Poland


Thermal Engineer




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Thermal Engineer
NR REF.: 1189210

For our client, we are currently looking for an experienced Thermal Engineer.

  • As the Thermal Engineer, you are responsible for the thermal design of the project you are working on. The items you are analysing range from small handheld experiments to large rack-sized experiments for the International Space Station and from small subsystems for various space applications to complete satellites and docking mechanisms. 
  • You work closely together with systems engineers to ensure that the product meets all thermal requirements. When necessary, you translate the obtained results into dedicated recommendations to improve the mechanical design from a thermal point of view. This is in close collaboration with other disciplines.
  • Your core task is to verify satellites and other space systems against various launch and orbital cases via simple hand calculations/ spreadsheets and ESATAN-TMS. The performed analysis must be properly documented via thermal analysis and trade-off reports. The thermal engineer is responsible for the management of the created thermal models to ensure traceability of the various performed analyses and calculations.
  • Further, you will take the lead in the preparation, execution, and reporting of thermal tests. You correlate the test results with your analysis models and provide support in finding root causes when issues arise during testing. 
  • You have a good attitude towards report writing, and you are able to work in a structured manner, with a clear focus on getting issues resolved in a cooperative spirit within a given time.

Desired skills, experience & knowledge
  • You have a Master39s degree in an engineering or physics-related field
  • 3–5 years of experience in a thermal engineering role with a strong focus on thermal analysis
  • Extensive experience with ESATAN-TMS
  • Basic understanding of orbits and their relation to the thermal environment seen by spacecrafts
  • Thorough understanding of heat transfer phenomena and space thermal environment (radiation, convection, conduction)
  • Thorough understanding of active thermal control
  • Good understanding of thermal resistances and contact conductances
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, in particular Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Fluency in English (speaking and writing) is an absolute must
  • Good communication skills, able to discuss directly with customers and find good technical solutions while maintaining control over schedule and budget constraints
  • Passion for space. The space business is very demanding, with very specific analysis and test methods

The company offers permanent, stable employment in a company with an established global position. Candidates can expect an interesting salary with a financial bonus and a benefits package. 

If you are interested in that offer, do not hesitate to apply for this job :)

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by the Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship under the number 361.

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data publikacji: 2025-03-21

do końca oferty: 58 dni

pracodawca: Hays Poland

branże: Produkcja / Przemysł


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