
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaTeam Manager with French

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Team Manager with French




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Specific Job Responsibilities
  • Proactively manages and is responsible for all Health and Safety issues for the team, ensuring a safe working environment for everyone;
  • Takes personal responsibility to understand and comply with all company and client security requirements and policies;
  • Ensures that all team members comply fully with the security policies and requirements of Foundever and its Clients, ensuring staff is given an appropriate level of knowledge/awareness to be able to comply with the policies within the context of their role and taking appropriate action when non-compliance is identified.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • Language: Proficiency in French (native) and English (C1);
  • College degree or directly related work experience would be an asset; Minimum of 12 months working experience in customer service with prior leadership experience;
  • Excellent knowledge of all MS office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook); Experience with Google applications practical usage (ability to work in multiple application environment).
Personal Skills
  • Strong interpersonal, coaching and leadership skills;
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills;
  • A pro-active attitude towards developing trust and professional rapport with employees and team members;
  • A can-do attitude with analytical and  problem solving skills;
  • Availability to work a flexible schedule, including weekends and holidays.

Firma oferuje:

Working conditions
  • Employment type of contract;  
  • Basic salary + bonuses;   
  • Work in our new office in Warsaw.
What else should you know?
  • Co-financing for glasses and holidays, employee referral program, vouchers for various occasions (Christmas, Children's Day, etc.);  
  • We offer private Medicover insurance;  
  • Multisport card available, as well as an internal Everbetter program to promote a healthy lifestyle; 
  • Professional development through training and cross-location cooperation at the international level. 
Company Overview

Foundever™ is a global leader in the customer experience (CX) industry. With 170,000 associates across the globe, we’re the team behind the best experiences for +750 of the world’s leading and digital-first brands. Our innovative CX solutions, technology and expertise are designed to support operational needs for our clients and deliver a seamless experience to customers in the moments that matter.


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data publikacji: 2024-10-24

do końca oferty: 16 dni

pracodawca: Foundever

branże: Sprzedaż


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