
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaSenior Brand Manager

Kto szuka:

AIBY LLC sp z o o


Senior Brand Manager




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

What you will do:
  • Craft and execute a comprehensive brand strategy to build and enhance AIBY’s global brand presence
  • Create and implement a brand book to ensure a consistent tone of voice and messaging across all communication channels
  • Own and drive the process of the corporate website development, ensuring alignment with the brand’s identity
  • Set the tone and create branded visual assets together with the design team
  • Oversee the creation and delivery of promotional and marketing materials
  • Ensure AIBY brand consistency across all channels (both external and internal communications)
  • Collaborate with Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, Social Media, PR, Design, Event teams, and the company executives
  • Oversee both internal (AIBY Annual Session, meetups, hackathons, etc.) and external industry events aimed at increasing the company’s brand awareness

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

What you should have:
  • At least 5+ years of experience as a Brand Manager, with a portfolio showcasing successful company branding projects in global markets (especially the US and EU) in the tech industry
  • Proven expertise in efficient cross-functional collaboration with design, and engineering teams
  • Strong visual literacy, with a keen eye for design aesthetics and current design trends, ensuring the brand’s visual identity remains fresh and relevant
  • Proficiency in organizing and presenting complex information in a clear and structured way
  • Solid writing skills: proven experience in crafting effective written marketing communications, reviewing and providing feedback on content, and collaborating with copywriters to ensure high-quality messaging
  • Experience collaborating with senior leadership and top executives
  • Excellent multitasking and prioritization skills
  • Strong negotiation and communication skills
  • Good analytical skills and a data-driven approach to decision-making
  • A results-driven mindset with a strong sense of ownership and accountability
  • Advanced English (C1) 
  • Knowledge of Russian (B2/C1) - fluent enough for confident daily communication (both speaking and writing skills)

Firma oferuje:

What we offer:
  • A high degree of decision-making freedom, working directly with founders
  • A team of experienced colleagues will help you achieve the most ambitious goals
  • Opportunity to work remotely
  • Medical insurance
  • English Courses
  • Sports compensation programs, Multisport
  • Psychological counseling reimbursement
  • Compensation for professional courses and training
  • Variety of corporate events and team-building activities
  • Paid vacations, sick days, and other benefits

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
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data publikacji: 2025-02-24

do końca oferty: 15 dni

pracodawca: AIBY LLC sp z o o

branże: Zarządzanie


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