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_PMO_ - rekrutacja online




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

For our client we are looking for a Programme PMO specialist. 

We have been tasked with a fundamental upgrade of the very platform that our Finance domain is built upon, including implementation of key systems, improvements to data and implementation of a global reporting solution. To support this ambition, we seek a Programme PMO specialist.

Our ideal candidate is a high performing project professional who has project experience, preferably as a consultant, within the Finance field. You are structured, disciplined, comfortable with a high pace and transparent in your communication. You enjoy quiet days of analysis and consolidation as well as high-paced days of workshops to discuss key design decisions and various ad hoc activities.

A core value is the ability to take different viewpoints into account when we design our solutions and drive change. We work closely together across group functions and towards our colleagues in the respective countries. As a result, we value flexibility and the ability to find common ground as equally important as your technical proficiency within project management. This approach however also requires a highly structured and professional approach to project governance, of which PMO is a highly important component.

PMOMiejsce pracy: Warszawa

Your key responsibilities will be to:

• Support programme management and interact with very senior stakeholders in Finance, IT, executive management in both Group and countries

• Ensure that the project applies ISS PMO best standards, governance, and principles in an efficient manner

• Facilitate founded decision-making, consistent follow-up, and decision/action documentation

• Enhance transparency and one source of project truth to the overall program progress

• Support effective project communication and organizational readiness across platforms and stakeholders

• Drive the planning and tracking of cost, time and resources supporting the business case and projected benefits

• Building an effective governance and reporting structure across the project

Functional competencies requirements:

• Managing risks, issues, and escalation proactively with relevant stakeholders

• Gather feedback from internal stakeholders, suppliers, or employees

• Experience in establishing effective communications structures

• Ability to motivate and engage both receiving and supporting organisation

• Ability to create reporting based on different expectations coming from different stakeholders

• Diligence in creation of one project truth based on gathered data

• Rational problem solving

Personal & Professional Qualifications:

• Bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance, accounting or adjacent discipline

• Project Management and ITIL certifications a plus

• 3+ years of project experience from consulting

• General understanding of Finance and Accounting processes

• Excellent understanding of project management

• Experience of being part of Finance transformation program

• Ability to work individually as well as in a team environment, collaborate and build


• Ability to motivate and resolve problems within a complex stakeholder environment

• Strong ability to execute with attention to details

• Adaptable, enthusiastic and a continuous learner

• Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken (English), feels comfortable with presenting to key project stakeholders and leadership team

We offer: 

• B2B Contract 

• Remote work 6h per day

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-06-25

do końca oferty: 56 dni

pracodawca: HRK S.A.

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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