
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaMobility Expert

Kto szuka:

JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.


Mobility Expert

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Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

At JTI we create, test and introduce new and innovative products aimed at reducing potential risks (heated tobacco products, e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches). They are essential to our business sustainability. Join us in making a significant impact on our sustainability efforts!


This role provides advice, expertise, and coordination support in the area of immigration to ensure JTI GBS Poland’s compliance with Polish immigration legislation, as well as proper immigration support for intercompany transfers to/from JTI GBS Poland.


As the Mobility Expert, you will be responsible for:
  • Providing expert advisory services and support to business units, assignees, employees, and foreign candidates on Polish immigration law and related procedures.
  • Counselling through immigration processes for global assignees, permanent international transfers, and international new hires.
  • Collaborating with mobility providers and vendors to ensure their actions align with the company’s business needs and expectations.
  • Authorizing mobility providers and coordinating the acquisition of required permits, such as declarations of employment for foreigners, work permits, visas, residence permits, and extensions or renewals of expiring documents.
  • Tracking the legal status of JTI GBS Poland employees to ensure proper legal basis for employment.
  • Arranging tax support for foreign employees in collaboration with third-party providers - this involves preparing data for tax reconciliation for foreign assignees and coordinating the provision of necessary information to tax advisory providers.
  • Coordinating the relocation process of employees to Poland, including aligning necessary actions with the local GBS P&C administration team.
  • Preparing the necessary documents on behalf of JTI to submit to state authorities within the immigration-related procedures.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • University degree in a business-related area.
  • 3 years of experience in the mobility field.
  • Fluent in English and Polish.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office tools.

Firma oferuje:

What we offer:
  • Competitive pay and attractive annual bonus;
  • On-going development opportunities in multinational environment, wide variety of projects, ambitious goals and independence in achieving them. Promoting from within culture;
  • Freedom with responsibility (we trust your competencies, ability to manage your time and your scope of work);
  • Lot of flexibility in terms of work arrangements (work from office or from home);
  • Private medical care (various options to choose) and life insurance;
  • Employee pension and savings programs;
  • JTI Family Leave Benefit – including extended paid paternity leave and fully paid maternity leave;
  • Multisport card, foreign languages classes;
  • Wide variety of trainings, webinars and professional courses on our e-learning platforms, including sponsored certification programs (for employees fulfilling the admission criteria);
  • Modern office with traditions (Art Norblin Factory) in convenient location, equipped with a library, mindfulness zone, spacious kitchen, garden terrace, massage chairs and underground bicycle parking;
  • Working in a diverse and inclusive organization of 43 different nationalities.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-10-23

do końca oferty: 16 dni

pracodawca: JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.

branże: Prawo


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