
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaLegal Assistant Manager - rekrutacja online

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Legal Assistant Manager - rekrutacja online




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

We are currently recruiting for global business consulting advisory provider that helps other organizations meet the needs of dynamic business environment.

Legal Assistant ManagerMiejsce pracy: Warszawa


  • Reviewing, summarizing low to high complexity commercial contracts with third parties/service providers such as (including but not limited to) - Master Services Agreements, Procurement Agreements, Manufacturer Agreements, Distributor Agreement, Software Licensing Agreement, NDAs
  • Risk and obligation assessment of contracts and, identification of risk mitigation strategies on behalf of legal and contracts/procurement governance structure
  • Negotiating the clauses in contracts to ensure adherence to legal & regulatory compliances.
  • Managing contracts with various consultants / individuals. This includes reviewing & checking the scope, cost & other deliverables.
  • Finalization of contracts by discussions with internal & external stakeholders.
  • Ensuring accurate & timely delivery of project deliverables. Oversight on project SLAs.
  • Managing a team of contract attorneys and para-legals to ensure adherence to client requirements


  • 8+ years’ experience of being project member in the legal domain of which at least 2-3 years should be in managing or leading contracting projects
  • Exposure to client handling for day to day matters, governance , team supervision, quality reviews and management of deliverables, SLAs
  • Experience of setting up and/or managing contracts review, abstraction process, including drawing up of contract playbooks, SoPs, process health reporting, audit reports
  • Clear fundamental understanding and technical competence in contract review and redlining to be able to provide guidance to the team and engage with vendors and business owners on the client side
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Exposure to commercial functions would be an advantage
  • Strong analytical skills with high level of attention to detail
  • Proficiency in English

What we offer:

  • Competitive Compensation: Attractive salary package with bonuses
  • Work-Life Balance:Hybrid system of work and flexible working hours.
  • Professional Growth: A dynamic environment with the opportunity to grow within an international team, focused on cross-functional collaboration.
  • Learning & Development: Access to training programs and resources.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2025-02-21

do końca oferty: 38 dni

pracodawca: HRK S.A.

branże: Prawo


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