
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaIdentity and Collaboration Solutions (ICS) Architect

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Identity and Collaboration Solutions (ICS) Architect

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Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:



You will work in tight cooperation with the other groups inside Infrastructure & Operations Department, Global Service Desk and market/factory/origin IT teams, software vendors and cloud service providers.




Identity and Collaboration Solutions (ICS) Architect is a member of the Identity and Collaboration Solutions team and is responsible for:

  • Analyzing business needs to architect relevant solutions in the area of the Directory Services, Identity Management, Messaging, Collaboration and Document Management, Enterprise Gateways
  • Creating, maintaining, and communicating architecture roadmaps, standards, and strategies for the above technological domains
  • Analyzing current Identity and Collaboration Infrastructure to detect critical deficiencies and recommend solutions for improvement to ensure modern and up to date Collaboration and Identity infrastructure
  • Researching emerging technologies to enhance operational effectiveness, reduce costs and increase speed to market
  • Ensuring proper integration of the cloud-based Identity and Collaboration services with the corresponding on-premise solutions
  • Ensuring strong cooperation with DevSecOps teams to ensure that solutions are built as architected
  • Validating technical changes impacting the Identity and Collaboration solutions
  • Leading projects in the area of the Identity and Collaboration Solutions

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • University degree. Solid IT technical background (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer or equivalent work experience). IT Service Management. Project management.
  • Experience with implementing complex enterprise cloud based and on-premise solutions in Microsoft environment in the area of Directory Services and Identity Management, Messaging, Collaboration and Document Management, Enterprise Gateways.
  • Microsoft cloud and client-server technologies, Windows / Active Directory / Azure Active Directory / Exchange / SharePoint / Teams / scripting skills (VBS, PowerShell and likes)
  • ITIL Basics and strong project management skills
  • Fluent English

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data publikacji: 2025-02-06

do końca oferty: 8 dni

pracodawca: JTI GBS

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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