
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaHead of Sustainability

Kto szuka:



Head of Sustainability




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Head of Sustainability
NR REF.: 1188800

Job Overview:
The role involves establishing robust structures, processes, and objectives around sustainability and ESG topics within the organization. The individual will naturally become the leader of sustainability efforts, indirectly guiding various departments.
Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive local sustainability strategy aligned with the Group’s corporate strategy and guidelines.
  • Collaborate with different departments to identify sustainability opportunities and implement initiatives to reduce environmental impact.
  • Lead efforts to obtain and maintain relevant sustainability certifications and accreditations.
  • Drive improvements in the company’s sustainability ratings.
  • Stay informed on industry trends, regulations, and best practices related to sustainability, recommending actions to ensure compliance and continuous improvement.
  • Manage sustainability-related budgets, including cost analysis and forecasting, to ensure financial viability of initiatives.
  • Engage with stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and communities, to promote sustainability and foster partnerships that drive positive social and environmental impacts.
  • Work with Communications & PR teams to:
  • Develop and implement sustainability-focused campaigns and initiatives to educate and engage internal and external stakeholders.
  • Enhance the company’s reputation as an environmentally and socially responsible organization through external communication.
  • Drive sustainability innovation by researching and implementing new solutions, technologies, practices, and strategies to enhance sustainability performance.
  • Provide leadership and guidance to cross-functional teams, promoting a culture of sustainability throughout the organization.
  • Proven experience in sustainability within a retail company or as an external consultant.
  • Demonstrated success in implementing sustainability initiatives in a retail setting or as a consultant.
  • Familiarity with relevant sustainability frameworks and reporting standards.
  • Experience working with diverse stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and communities.
  • Professional certifications in sustainability, such as Certified Sustainability Professional (CSP), are advantageous.
  • Knowledge of relevant industry sectors and their sustainability challenges.
  • Strong project management and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Polish and English.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.

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data publikacji: 2024-09-24

do końca oferty: 55 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Elektryka / Elektronika / Energetyka


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