
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaHead of Indirect Tax

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Head of Indirect Tax




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Opis stanowiska

  • Indirect Tax Compliance: Responsibility for European VAT compliance ensuring timely and accurate filing of VAT returns. Provide advice and support to clients on all Indirect Tax related matters.
  • Process Improvement: Ensure process quality and identify areas for process improvement within the VAT compliance framework and work with stakeholders to implement streamlined and efficient procedures.
  • Audits: Assisting clients with VAT audits and compliance checks.
  • Automation and Technology Integration: Lead efforts to leverage automation and technology solutions to enhance efficiency and accuracy in Indirect Tax compliance processes. Work collaboratively with the Software Team to identify and implement software tools and systems that streamline data collection, reporting, and reconciliation for VAT and Sales Tax requirements.
  • People Management: Lead, coach and manage a team of Indirect Tax professionals.
  • E-Invoicing Compliance: Stay up to date with e-invoicing regulations and mandates in Poland. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of e-invoicing requirements into the company's billing and accounting systems, ensuring compliance with all electronic invoicing standards.
  • Regulatory Updates: Keep abreast of changes in Indirect Tax laws, regulations, and reporting requirements ensuring the company remains fully compliant at all times.
  • Risk Management: Assess potential risks and opportunities related to Indirect Taxes and implement measures to mitigate risks and maximise tax efficiencies.
  • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate and organised records of all Indirect Tax-related activities, including filings, supporting documents, and correspondence.
  • Ad-hoc Projects: Participate in ad-hoc projects related to Indirect Taxation, financial analysis, or process improvement, as assigned by senior management.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:


  • Educated to Degree Level.
  • Experience working in Law/VAT/Accountancy/Finance.
  • Minimum 10 years' experience as a VAT Manager.
  • Fluent in Polish and English.
  • Has shown evidence of his own career and professional development.
  • Extensive experience working in a large accounting function.
  • Experience of managing a team.
  • Proven track record of experience in supervising, leading and coaching a team.
  • Working knowledge of VAT and its application.
  • Excellent systems experience including proficiency in Microsoft Excel (Intermediate level such as pivot tables and v look ups), Word, and PowerPoint.
  • Demonstrated mathematical and analytical knowledge and the ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.

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data publikacji: 2024-09-18

do końca oferty: 4 dni

pracodawca: Klient portalu

branże: Księgowość / Audyt


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