
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaHead of Customer Relations

Kto szuka:



Head of Customer Relations




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Head of Customer Relations
NR REF.: 1187482

For our client, a company operating in the financial sector offering brokerage and investment services which specialises in online trading on various financial markets we are currently looking for the Head of Customer Relations.The successful candidate will be responsible for managing customer relations operations, enhancing client satisfaction, and driving customer loyalty in their designated region in the best possible way. 
In this role you will be responsible for : 

  • development and implementation 
    customer relations strategies to improve client satisfaction and retention.
  • Leading and managing a team of customer relations professionals, providing guidance and support to ensure high performance.
  • Monitoring and analyzing customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Building and maintaining strong relationships with key clients and stakeholders.
  • Ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements and company policies.
  • Preparing and presenting regular reports on customer relations performance

The perfect candidate should have: 

  • Higher education (Economic, business management area – priority);
  • Professional experience in relevant business area – Investing, stock’s, FX, CFD’s brokerage;
  • Basic understanding of investing/trading market and competitors in Poland;
  • Advanced knowledge of main marketing and sales principles;
  • Basic knowledge and understanding of compliance (MIFiD II and etc) and AML directives;
  • Motivated and willing to work (sometimes in stress mode) person, 

Our Client offers : 
  • Employment based on a contract of employment or B2B agreement.
  • Work in an international environment on interesting projects.
  • Very good financial and bonus conditions.
  • Office work in a central location in Warsaw.

Hays Poland sp. z o. o. is an employment agency registered in the register kept by the Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship under number 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy infopraca
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sprawdź szczegóły

data publikacji: 2024-09-07

do końca oferty: 24 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Bankowość / Leasing


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