
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaEmployee Lifecycle Specialist

Kto szuka:

JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.


Employee Lifecycle Specialist

Numer referencyjny:





Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

What this position is about - Purpose: 

Ensure efficient delivery of Employee LifeCycle services in designated zones, meeting Service Level Agreements. Maintain organizational management data and handle employee lifecycle events. Prepare contractual agreements and letters. Address employee data queries and provide administrative services. Conduct data quality controls, filing, and reporting. Identify opportunities for process standardization and improvement. 
Main areas of responsibility:
  • Ensure efficient delivery of services to all stakeholders from market (Switzerland) in line with agreed Service Level Targets;
  • Provide quality and timely end-to-end service addressing employee needs across all P&C areas in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures;
  • Preparing necessary documents for employees, i.e. new hires package, employment contracts, work certificates, appendix;
  • Maintain employee lifecycle events according to the corporate and local guidelines in SAP HR and local payroll, benefits and other in scope systems;
  • Support employee enrollment into relevant benefits plans;
  • Supports ad hoc projects and task as needed;
  • Close working relationship with HR BP from the region;
  • Ensure data and documents readiness for payroll run;
  • Prepare reports;
  • Support and promote deployment of agreed communication and service delivery channels;
  • Identify areas for process improvements and standardization;
  • Capture and document new procedures, provide process improvements ideas.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

You as a professional:
  • University degree;
  • Fluent written and spoken English;
  • 2- 3 years experience in a multinational organization in a similar role;
  • Experience in administrative role;
  • Profound knowledge of HR Administration, Organizational Management processes;
  • Strong Customer Service Mindset;
  • Understanding cross-cultural sensitivity;
  • Excellent team player, open minded and flexible approach;
  • SAP HR knowledge will be a plus.

Firma oferuje:

What we offer:
  • Competitive pay and attractive annual bonus;
  • On-going development opportunities in multinational environment, wide variety of projects, ambitious goals and independence in achieving them. Promoting from within culture;
  • Freedom with responsibility (we trust your competencies, ability to manage your time and your scope of work);
  • Lot of flexibility in terms of work arrangements (work from office or from home);
  • Private medical care (various options to choose) and life insurance;
  • Employee pension and savings programs;
  • JTI Family Leave Benefit – including extended paid paternity leave and fully paid maternity leave;
  • Multisport card, foreign languages classes;
  • Wide variety of trainings, webinars and professional courses on our e-learning platforms, including sponsored certification programs (for employees fulfilling the admission criteria);
  • Modern office with traditions (Art Norblin Factory) in convenient location, equipped with a library, mindfulness zone, spacious kitchen, garden terrace, massage chairs and underground bicycle parking;
  • Working in a diverse and inclusive organization of 43 different nationalities.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-10-16

do końca oferty: 19 dni

pracodawca: JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.

branże: HR


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