
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaCX Expert

Kto szuka:



CX Expert




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

CX Expert
NR REF.: 1187892

The company provides financial solutions for all Volkswagen Group automotive brands in 46 markets worldwide.

Basic information:
Location: 2 days remotely/3 days from the office - Rondo ONZ
Rate: up to 60PLN/h net + VAT
Type of work: B2B contract
Length: long-term project
Recruitment process: 1 or 2 stages
English: B2
Luxmed, MultiSport, equipment provided by the client

The person in this position will be responsible for customer experience analysis and design. The candidate will analyse customer paths, collaborate with marketing teams, and promote the organisation39s customer-centred culture. Required competencies such as CX experience, analytical skills, knowledge of service design methodologies, and the ability to work as part of a team are key to performing this role effectively.

Scope of tasks:
- Analysing the customer experience and identifying and recommending areas for change by product, channel or customer experience category in the area of retail banking offerings
- Monitoring the quality and effectiveness of customer service and the level of satisfaction indicators. Designing solutions to improve the customer experience and supporting the implementation process
- Designing and optimising the user experience of digital tools offered to customers.
- Seeking market benchmarks and implementing solutions based on them in terms of customer paths for products offered in different sales channels.
- Collaborate with the Marketing Team and CRM Team to provide a customer perspective on the creation of marketing communications. Collaborate with various business units with customer touchpoints
- Building and promoting a customer-centric organisational culture - Proposing and organising activities that promote a customer-centric approach
- Supplementing one39s knowledge of the issues necessary to carry out tasks
- Taking care of the order in the office and the good image of the Company
- Maintaining professional secrecy

- Experience in the area of customer experience (min. 2 years) in the area of retail banking documented by projects conducted
- Analytical skills to identify the customer39s biggest problems and creatively develop possible solutions, taking into account current and future trends in the CX area
- Experience of designing the user experience of digital solutions (UX area)
- Workshop facilitation skills
- Knowledge of service design, design thinking methodologies and ability to apply them in practice
- Openness, ability to work with diverse stakeholders
- High personal culture and communication skills
- Commitment, initiative
- Very good organisation of work
- Ability to work in a team
- Knowledge of MS Office

Team: 4 people in the same position

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy infopraca
POPRZEDNIA OFERTA AP Team Leader Wszystkie oferty NASTĘPNA OFERTA Change Lead / OCM Lead

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data publikacji: 2024-09-17

do końca oferty: 32 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Bankowość / Leasing


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