
PracaOferty pracy Szczecin › HR Product Owner

Kto szuka:

Coloplast Business Centre Sp z o.o.


HR Product Owner




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

About the department 

The job is located in Coloplast Business Centre in Szczecin, Poland, in Global HR Support Department. We support globally the People & Culture Community in HR systems, processes, projects, administration and reporting area. On daily basis we collaborate with our colleagues around the world, supporting them with our HR & Systems expertise. 

The job 

The job is to support SAP SuccessFactors modules and design the system together with People & Culture Stakeholders. This role plays is pivotal in shaping the digital landscape of our P&C function. You would be responsible for managing the lifecycle of our P&C systems and modules, ensuring they align with organizational goals and meet the needs of stakeholders. Your role would involve close collaboration with Process Owners, HRIT Specialists, the Business/Data Owner and other key stakeholders to drive continuous improvement and projects, manage change, and facilitate training initiatives.
Your responsibilities 
  • Engaging and collaborating with stakeholders;
  • Being the primary point of contact for all P&C system-related inquiries and feedback from stakeholders;  
  • Owning the end-to-end lifecycle of P&C systems and modules;
  • Developing and implementing change management strategies to ensure smooth adoption of new P&C systems and modules;
  • Collaborating with HRIT Specialists to design and deliver training programs for end-users, ensuring they have the necessary skills to utilize the systems effectively;
  • Driving continuous improvement initiatives within the P&C systems domain, by identifying opportunities to enhance efficiency, usability, and functionality;
  • Monitoring system performance and user feedback to identify areas for optimization and enhancement.
  • Working closely with development teams to prioritize and implement improvements, ensuring they align with business needs and user expectations.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • Very good English skills (min. C1);
  • Bachelor’s degree in HR, Administration, Project Management or similar will be an advantage;
  • Min. 2 years of experience in an administrative role (preferably in HR) with daily system usage; 
  • Advanced knowledge of SAP SuccessFactors or a similar system;
  • Proficient use of all MS Office package;
  • Ability to transfer knowledge and ensure learning
We are looking for a person who is a team player. Someone who is eager to handle requests with a high degree of professionalism and a high level of quality. A person being confident enough to handle even difficult customer situations with short deadlines. It is also important that you are detail-oriented and structured in problem-solving, as well as have excellent interpersonal and customer-facing skills. You will work with people at different levels in the organization in Szczecin and Coloplast globally. Come and experience how our curiosity drives innovation and growth firsthand.

Firma oferuje:

We offer
  • No probation period – long-term contract from the start
  • Onsite, hybrid or remote work possible
  • Flexible working hours, Mon-Fri 
  • International work environment with Scandinavian culture
  • Opportunity to use and develop foreign languages in daily work
  • Fantastic work atmosphere full of respect and partnership
  • Internal trainings
  • Great company events
  • Sports card
  • Private medical care
  • Restaurant card
  • Holiday bonus and occasional cards 
That's not all! We have even more for you, if working onsite:
  • Modern workplace
  • No dress code zone
  • Delicious coffee and fresh fruits
  • Transportation co-funding

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-07-05

do końca oferty: 10 dni

pracodawca: Coloplast Business Centre Sp z o.o.

branże: HR


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