
PracaOferty pracy SzczecinExecutive Coordinator

Kto szuka:

Eryk Sp. z o.o.


Executive Coordinator




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

As a part of our team you will be responsible for:
  • Assist the CEO and Executive Board in daily operations, including managing schedules, coordinating meetings, and handling correspondence,
  • Take responsibility for internal projects from inception to completion, ensuring deadlines are met and objectives are achieved,
  • Monitor and follow up on the completion of tasks assigned to other team members or departments,
  • Organize and coordinate internal meetings, prepare agendas, and take minutes,
  • Act as a liaison between the CEO, Executive Board, and other departments within the company,
  • Communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders,
  • Prepare, review, and manage documents, reports, presentations, and correspondence,
  • Promote and uphold company values and culture,
  • Perform other duties as assigned to support the CEO and Executive Board.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

You are a perfect candidate if you:
  • Have an excellent command of English, both written and spoken,
  • Are proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook),
  • Have high attention to detail,
  • Possess exceptional organizational and time-management skills,
  • Have strong communication skills, with the ability to interact effectively with internal and external stakeholders,
  • Have the ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines,
  • Are proactive and resourceful in solving problems and managing challenges,
  • Gained experience in a similar role, preferably supporting executives,
  • Have as a minimum of a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Firma oferuje:

We offer:
  • Employment contract and stable work environment,
  • High level of independence and flexibility,
  • Possibility to growth and self-development thought professional training courses and education financed by the company,
  • Informal, flat organization with short power distance, based on Scandinavian values,
  •  Comfortable work space – our office on the 7th floor of Posejdon is located in the very heart of the city, 
  • Generous package of benefits; Private Medical care, sport package, group insurance, language courses,
  • Challenging job in an established, well-run company where your opinion matters, and standards are high.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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data publikacji: 2024-09-19

do końca oferty: 1 dni

pracodawca: Eryk Sp. z o.o.

branże: Administracja biurowa


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