Kto szuka:
Senior Analytical Specialist
Starogard Gdański
Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:
- Performing and supervising of quantitative analytical tests by LC-MS/MS on ppb and ppm level
- Keeping current records of tests in accordance with the principles contained in procedures and instructions
- Preparation of analytical documentation e.g. test methods and validation reports
- Drawing up and reviewing standard procedures and instructions
- Cooperation with other Departments/Teams as part of work in the project team
Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:
- Ability to work in a team
- Ability to work with LC-MS on your own
- Ability to design and validate analytical methods
- Higher technical education (eg, Chemical technology, Pharmacy, Chemistry)
- English at an intermediate level
- Knwoledge of MS Office and Chromatographic software
Firma oferuje:
- Umowa o pracę
- Prywatna opieka medyczna
- Ubezpieczenie na życie
- Karta Multisport
- Szkolenia i rozwój kompetencji zawodowych
- Paczki świąteczne dla dzieci
- Jeden dodatkowy dzień wolny
- Program emerytalny
Kontakt do pracodawcy:
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