
PracaOferty pracyField Service Engineer (FSE)

Kto szuka:

Ecolutia Services Ltd


Field Service Engineer (FSE)



Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

  • Taking on responsibility for operation and maintenance of Ecolutia's water treatment systems at site that can be located throughout EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and require you to work away from home for a few weeks at a time.
  • Ability to be a forward thinker with a practical and hand's-on approach.
  • Manage and maintain operational integrity of interconnecting pipe work and electrical wiring across the Ecolutia systems.
  • Manage the treatment process and ensure set protocols and procedures are adhered to.
  • Complete planned preventative maintenance, and/or replace consumables in accordance with maintenance programme.
  • Record and review appropriate operational data and log all system parameter readings.
  • Provide daily readings and raise any pressing operational matters as required.
  • Monitor and ensure systems produce contractually agreed water volume and quality.
  • Ensure all units continue to operate within design tolerances.
  • Troubleshoot pressing matters in co-ordination with line manager.
  • Maintain professional daily communication and direct relationships with customer's on-site team.
  • Ensure daily communication with other Ecolutia personnel as required.
  • Assist the Operations Management Team to ensure Ecolutia continues to meet customer expectations.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

We seek candidates with a science or engineering degree, a full clean driving licence, fluent in English and German language skills desirable, and an ability to travel without restriction. You will need excellent communications skills and confidence when dealing with people at all levels of an organisation, in one-to-one or team situation.

This role involves a significant amount of travelling to different jobsites in Europe. You will be away from home for the majority of your working time and each working trip can last several weeks.

a FSE on the customer site, you will be working in high-pressure environments and will enjoy a high level of visibility in the project. You will need to be skilled in analysing a situation and problem solving. As our main daily link to the customer, you will need to ensure project targets and expectations are met.

Bachelor's Degree or higher in Engineering, Chemistry or other Science based degree.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-10-18

do końca oferty: 12 dni

pracodawca: Ecolutia Services Ltd

branże: Inżynieria / Projektowanie / Technologia


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