
PracaOferty pracy OlsztynCustomer service with German for a luxury brand

Kto szuka:



Customer service with German for a luxury brand




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your responsibilities:
  • Respond to customers via phone, chat, and email. You’ll be the voice that keeps our customers happy and informed.
  • Keep an eye on every interaction, solution and follow-up in our CRM system so that nothing escapes your attention.
  • Figure out what's wrong and offer clear solutions using different tools.
  • Work with your team to make every customer’s experience better than the last. It’s all about teamwork to make the magic happen
  • Show enthusiasm and warmth in every conversation so that every customer feels they are talking to someone who really cares :)
  • Use your knowledge and skills to troubleshoot problems.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Our requirements:
  • Willingness to develop in the customer service.
  • A passion for IT and technical tools is a plus! If you're into problem-solving with tech, you'll love this role.
  • Strong communication skills to chat in German at at least C1 level at least and in English at B2 level.
  • Attention to details stuff and focus on finding solutions.
  • Willingness to keep learning and adapting to new tools, technologies, and processes.
  • Experience with high-end customers or luxury brands.
  • Interest in the latest technologies.
  • Knowledge of CRM systems.

Firma oferuje:

What we offer:
  • Support of a recognized luxury brand known for its commitment to quality, innovation and customer satisfaction.
  • Remote work from home
  • Comprehensive benefits package, including a benefits system (MyBenefit), private healthcare, and life insurance.
  • Stable full-time employment based on an employment contract
  • Receive fully paid training to ensure you’re fully prepared for customer interactions, with continuous learning opportunities to grow your skills.
  • Team-building events to foster a collaborative work environment.
  • Team leader support at every stage of cooperation.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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sprawdź szczegóły

data publikacji: 2025-02-10

do końca oferty: 10 dni

pracodawca: Concentrix

branże: Sprzedaż


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