
PracaOferty pracy PolskaSenior Design Engineer

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Senior Design Engineer




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Senior Design Engineer
NR REF.: 1189579

Currently we are looking for a designer, design-technologist, mechanical engineer or engineer with extensive experience in design engineering, particularly in the development of machines mounted on chassis or with experience in the production of special-purpose vehicles. The role involves remotely supervising a group of designers located in another country, assigned to a specific project. The Senior Product Designer reports directly to the company39s CEO and is fully responsible for the assigned projects.  

Responsibilities▪ Remote supervision of a group of designers (3-7 people) regarding the substantive aspects of ongoing projects. ▪ Supervision and control of documentation in terms of technical, substantive, and execution aspects. ▪ Analysis and approval of projects and technical/execution drawings prepared by subordinate engineers. ▪ Preparing design concepts and project implementation plans. ▪ Mentoring subordinate engineers. ▪ Developing the company39s products in collaboration with the management and other company departments. ▪ Co-creating and introducing innovations in the company39s product line. 
Requirements ▪ Higher technical education, preferred field: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Design. ▪ A minimum of 20 years of experience in automotive, specialized equipment manufacturing, construction machinery, cranes, special vehicles, etc. ▪ At least 10 years of experience in positions such as designer, lead designer, product designer, head of the design department, or head of the technology department. 
▪ Good English communicative skills, B2 or C1 ▪ Self- motivated with positive energy, ▪ With wisdom and curiosity, a pinch of empathy, with ability to express own opinion, ▪ Courageous and courteous, resourcefulness and problem-solving skills, ▪ With readiness for working online (home office), ▪ Readiness for delegation across the world two time in the year 
Offer Dynamic work in international team of high-level professionals in friendly atmosphere. Flexible working hours considering your needs. Support in planning a career path, open promotion opportunities. Experience sharing and intensively developing environment. Salary adequate to the involvement.

If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

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data publikacji: 2025-01-10

do końca oferty: 15 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Inne / Pozostałe


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