Kto szuka:
Client Service Coordinator
Numer referencyjny:
Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:
Do you want to be part of a growing team situated in multiple locations across the world? We are looking for a Client Service Coordinator in Krakow to join our growing expanding team to manage multinational clients primarily in the EMEA region. We are looking for someone with energy and passion to deliver to our clients helping them achieve their goals as well as to bring new ideas to the team. We offer flexibility in this role through Hybrid working as we feel this meets the needs of our clients and team!
In short days can be very different in this role and varied depending on your clients. You can be on calls talking to clients about challenges and how to help them solve problems, you can be working with your client team to look at improvements internally and or collaborating with your counterparts in other regions on global projects. As someone who has done this role for more than 7 years no day is the same in this team.
- Act as primary point of Escalation for the Client, develop relationships to build trust with senior members within the Client organization,
- Lead monthly/quarterly client meetings to report on performance of contracted services and projects, discuss future planning
- Act as an expert on Aon services including operations, standard delivery model and product providing support and expertise to clients.
- Review the long-term profitability and growth of your client(s) - taking action to improve profitability where relevant, seeking guidance from more experienced colleagues to help you achieve this.
- Check and confirm fees being billed to client are correct as well as invoices.
- Maintain of Case Studies for your clients to be shared with future prospects.
- Review periodically portfolio of projects to make sure projects on track. Determine plans to bring back on track if not.
- Flag risks within projects where appropriate
- Ensure compliance with Code of Conduct and other relevant legislation
- Identify service delivery risks for each client, ensuring mitigating actions are implemented and tracked as appropriate
Working in a team globally gives you the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues and learn more around different cultures of the world. The team also has a career path with 5 different levels of roles from Client Service Co-Ordinator up to Client Relationship Manager you have the possibility to build out your career for the long term with each role adding different level of challenges and complexity and bringing you new skillsets. You will also have the opportunity to work with a wide range of clients from start up’s to big brand names.
Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:
- Good communication skills
- English level C1
- Ability to manage Multi clients/projects at the same time.
- Understanding of Employee Benefits desirable but not essential.
- Previous experience working with clients.
- Previous experience of understanding billing and invoicing would be good.
Firma oferuje:
In addition to our comprehensive benefits package, we encourage a diverse workforce. Plus, our agile, inclusive environment allows you to manage your wellbeing and work/life balance, ensuring you can be your best self at Aon. Furthermore, all colleagues enjoy two “Global Wellbeing Days” each year, encouraging you to take time to focus on yourself. We offer a variety of working style solutions, but we also recognise that flexibility goes beyond just the place of work... and we are all for it. We call this Smart Working!
Our continuous learning culture inspires and equips you to learn, share and grow, helping you achieve your fullest potential. As a result, at Aon, you are more connected, more relevant, and more valued.
Kontakt do pracodawcy:
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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
data publikacji: 2024-11-18
do końca oferty: 22 dni
pracodawca: Aon
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