
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaBusiness Developer - Financial Solutions

Kto szuka:

Ebury Partners Belgium N.V SA Oddział w Polsce


Business Developer - Financial Solutions


Warszawa, Widok Towers


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Business Developer (Financial Solutions)

Ebury Poland - office based

About the Job

As a Business Developer, you will be a crucial contributor to the growth of Ebury, responsible for delivering a great experience for new customers. At every step, you’ll be supported by one of our Heads of Desk who have a vested interest in helping you perform and know first-hand what it takes to be successful in the role.

  • Researching and qualifying potential clients to build a database of leads.
  • Use the telephone to get in touch with C - level executives from financial departments of
  • companies in a wide range of sectors, with the main purpose of attracting them to offer them Ebury services.
  • Learn about your clients’ businesses, building an understanding of their key challenges in order to educate them about how our solutions can help.
  • Work closely with the team to build and present valuable FX solutions to clients in time learning how to develop these solutions yourself.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • Enjoy building new relationships and build rapport easily
  • Are ambitious and highly motivated to take your career into your own hand
  • Have experience within a B2B or client-facing environment
  • Speak fluent English and Polish
  • Are interested in the financial markets
  • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Have a flexible mindset and a sense of urgency aligned with our fast-paced culture

Firma oferuje:

Why Join Us?
  • Industry-leading basic salary and the opportunity to quickly increase your earnings through a transparent commission scheme.
  • Rapid career progression and a range of structured career paths including leadership, account management and dealing.
  • Training and mentoring from some of the world’s most experienced and successful FX professionals.
  • International development opportunities include attending global boot camps.
  • Career development opportunities and support to relocate and work abroad.
  • Spacious and modern office in Warsaw

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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data publikacji: 2024-09-18

do końca oferty: 8 dni

pracodawca: Ebury Partners Belgium N.V SA Oddział w Polsce

branże: Bankowość / Leasing


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