
PracaOferty pracy PolskaAzure Cloud Architect

Kto szuka:



Azure Cloud Architect




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Azure Cloud Architect
NR REF.: 1189899

The client is a Polish retail bank.

Basic information:
Location: 100% remote
Rate: 150-200PLN/h net + VAT
Type of work: B2B contract (Possibility to work part-time)
Length: long-term project
Recruitment process: 1 stage
English: B1
Luxmed, MultiSport, equipment provided by the client

The bank is moving its electronic banking to the AWS cloud and this is the beginning of a technology transformation. For the launch of the next long-term project, which will be based on Azure services in a homogeneous organisation without foreign consultants, they are looking for an experienced Cloud Architect who, based on his/her experience, will ensure the preparation of assumptions for building a secure cloud environment in a multi-account/subscription organisation and help the teams in the bank to prepare solutions tailored for the migration to the cloud

Responsibilities and Tasks:
▪ Work with AWS Architect to adapt existing Landing Zone from AWS to Azure environment
▪ Create Landing Zone architecture assumptions in Azure with mechanisms to ensure high availability

▪ Experience working in Azure Enterprise environments with multiple subscriptions
▪ Hands-on knowledge of Azure core services
▪ Experience working with access control and governance mechanisms (RBAC, Policy)
▪ Knowledge of security issues in the context of Azure
▪ Ability to work in a regulated environment (governance, compliance)
▪ Familiarity with Azure Monitor and logging
▪ Practical knowledge of Azure Networking (VNET, Express Route, NSG, Private Link).
▪ Experience in implementing High Availability solutions and backup mechanisms

Nice to have:
▪ Knowledge of multi-cloud environments
▪ Experience with Azure AI and Dynamics 365

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

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data publikacji: 2024-11-14

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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