
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaAdministrative Assistant in Operational Management Division

Kto szuka:

Staff Partners


Administrative Assistant in Operational Management Division

Numer referencyjny:



Warszawa, Śródmieście


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

The description of duties is a presented below:

  • To assist in creation of advanced multimedia presentations using Microsoft tools
  • To summarize information for reports or presentations.
  • To collaborate within the internal teams to gather information for the preparation of statistical data (tables, graphs and charts).
  • To assist in developing promotional materials.
  • To support the work of project team.
  • To contribute to the establishment of certain business processes.
  • To support in drafting briefing notes, letters, reports and follow ups on documents.
  • To support the Head of Sector and staff members with administrative procedures.
  • To assist in the organisations of online and physical meetings and drafting minutes as necessary.
  • To monitor functional mailboxes and communicate with internal and external stakeholders.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

  • Education: successfully completed secondary education related to the business needs;
  • Work experience: at least 1 year of professional experience in the specific area depending on the business needs;
  • Computer skills: very good skills in the main MS Office software (Word, Excel, Outlook);
  • Language skills: very good command of both written and spoken English (at least B2) / knowledge of additional EU language.
Personal skills:
  • high level of responsibility and ability to work independently;
  • high level of service orientation;
  • ability to work under pressure and experience in organizing work and prioritizing accordingly;
  • ability to communicate efficiently at all levels internally and externally and in appropriate manner;
  • strong sense of accuracy and attention to detail;
  • high level of discretion and ability to handle confidential matters;
  • proven organizational skills;
  • ability to adapt to a dynamic working environment;
  • ability to learn new skills and software;
  • ability to work in a team.

Firma oferuje:

We offer:
  • contract of employment through the Employment Agency;
  • daily remuneration: 70,87€ net;
  • medical care, sport card;
  • opportunity for development and promotion;
  • convenient location of the office - the centre of Warsaw;
  • work with professionals.

Application deadline: until March, 11 2025

Please be advised that only resumes in English will be considered.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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oferty pracy praca

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data publikacji: 2025-03-19

do końca oferty: 14 dni

pracodawca: Staff Partners

branże: Administracja biurowa


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