
PracaOferty pracy WarszawaAdministrative Assistant in Human Resources and Corporate Services Division / Corporate Services Unit / Facility Management Team

Kto szuka:

Staff Partners


Administrative Assistant in Human Resources and Corporate Services Division / Corporate Services Unit / Facility Management Team

Numer referencyjny:



Warszawa, Śródmieście


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Duties and tasks linked to the post:
  • Coordinating tasks and activities related to the daily technical management of HQ buildings (inspections, maintenance, repair)
  • Receiving, registering, handling and/or monitoring of facility management related incident and service requests
  • Maintenance of buildings occupation and seating plans
  • Supporting and/or coordinating internal relocations
  • Preparing instructions for users to obtain facility services or support with facility incidents
  • Support with receiving deliveries, e.g. confirming counts, quality, coordinating internal logistics, storage etc.
  • Supporting the coordination and monitoring of projects and contracts, performing various contract management tasks
  • Assisting with the preparation of procurement requests, technical specifications and other procurement related documentation
  • Collecting and analysing data, preparing tables, graphs or other data reports
  • Drafting notes, letters, reports and follow up
  • Assisting with the preparation of and follow up on financial documents
  • Organising and assisting during meetings, draft minutes where necessary
  • Assisting with daily correspondence
  • Keeping documents and administrative files up-to-date and in good order

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:


Education & professional experiences

  • at least a level of secondary education attested by a diploma
  • at least one-year experience in facility management, office coordination/management or in customer service department in an international institution/company/environment
  • good knowledge of English (at least B2), both oral and written
  • good computer skills and knowledge of MS Office, advanced MS Outlook and MS Excel user would be an asset
  • good analytical skills
Personal skills:
  • high level of responsibility and ability to work independently;
  • high level of service orientation;
  • ability to work under pressure and experience in organizing work and prioritizing accordingly;
  • ability to communicate efficiently at all levels internally and externally and in appropriate manner;
  • strong sense of accuracy and attention to detail;
  • high level of discretion and ability to handle confidential matters;
  • proven organizational skills;
  • ability to adapt to a dynamic working environment;
  • ability to learn new skills and software;
  • ability to work in a team.

Firma oferuje:

We offer:
  • contract of employment through the Employment Agency;
  • daily remuneration: 70,54€ net;
  • medical care, sport card;
  • opportunity for development and promotion;
  • convenient location of the office - the centre of Warsaw;
  • work with professionals.

Application deadline: until October 29, 2024

Please be advised that only resumes in English will be considered.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
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data publikacji: 2024-10-22

do końca oferty: 7 dni

pracodawca: Staff Partners

branże: Administracja biurowa


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