
PracaOferty pracy remote or hybrid (Kraków)System Engineer/Architect

Kto szuka:



System Engineer/Architect


remote or hybrid (Kraków)


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

System Engineer/Architect
remote or hybrid (Kraków)
NR REF.: 1187426

Hays IT Contracting is a cooperation based on B2B rules. We connect IT specialists with the most interesting, technological projects on the market. For our client we are currently looking for Candidates for the position of System Engineer/Architect.

Our client holds a leading position as a technology company innovating at the intersection of disruptive trends in the automotive industry.  They use their portfolio of technologies to make vehicles safer, greener, and more connected and enable the future of mobility.

Work mode: remote or hybrid (Kraków) 
Compensation: up to 145 PLN/h net (+ VAT) 
Contract type: B2B, through Hays Poland 
English: B2/C1

Basic requirements:

  • Master39s/ Bachelor degree in Electronics or Computer Science or related.
  • Knowledge of electronics and electronic measurement basis.
  • Familiarity with the application of micro-controllers and SW programming.
  • Team oriented. Honesty in relation with company, clients and co-operators.
  • Strong familiarity with the MS Office and Enterprise Architect.
  • Methodical approach to problem solving.
  • English fluency (B2/C1).

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Plans and monitors SYS.3 work planned for all product releases.
  • Analyses and structures system capabilities and features based on the system requirements.
  • Analyses and documents system design alternatives.
  • Aligns architecture strategies with Project/Platform Owner.
  • Aligns system architecture with the stakeholders.
  • Allocates system requirements of any given product release to physical and logical architecture elements in advance of scheduled feature development for that release.
  • Responsible for architecture tool chain.
  • Definition of logical and physical product system architecture and actively driving integration of SW, HW and ME by defining and aligning logical & physical interfaces.
  • Defines system interfaces (internal and external).
  • Defines CPE/CQE tester design.
  • Support system FMEA.
  • Supports the Product System Safety Architect on the Technical Safety Concept development.
  • Care for good company image in front of customers and co-operator companies..
  • Care for confidential information and company’s property.

What We Offer:
  • A quick recruitment process
  • Standard benefits including preferential rates for LuxMed and Multisport packages
  • The chance for a long-term cooperation on projects for top players in numerous sectors
  • Opportunities for future assignments with other leading clients through Hays

What will the recruitment process look like:
  • Your CV will be verified by Hays Recruiter
  • Recruiter will contact you by phone – a 15-minute conversation about the project and your experience
  • Technical conversation with the client – 1 meeting
  • Offer
  • Welcome to the project!

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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data publikacji: 2024-09-04

do końca oferty: 26 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Inne / Pozostałe


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