
PracaOferty pracy Kraków (hybrid)Customer Support Specialist

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Customer Support Specialist


Kraków (hybrid)


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Customer Support Specialist
Kraków (hybrid)
NR REF.: 1190389

Hays IT Contracting is a cooperation based on B2B rules. We connect IT specialists with the most interesting, technological projects on the market. For our client we are currently looking for Candidates for the position of Customer Solutions Specialist/ Customer Support Specialist.

Work model:  hybrid (Kraków)  
Compensation:  40-50 PLN/h net (+ VAT)Start Date:  January 2025Cooperation:  long-term 
Contract type:  B2B, through Hays Poland

Job purpose:

  • Acts as a technical expert on complex and specialist subject(s). 
  • Supports management with the analysis, interpretation, and application of complex information, contributing to the achievement of divisional and corporate goals. 
  • Supports or leads projects by applying area of expertise.
  • The support team consists of 12 people covering 8 countries.

Key requirements:
  • Strong customer and teamwork orientation.
  • Results focus and self-drive.
  • Basic to medium technical knowledge on Windows workstation operating system configuration and use.
  • Basic to medium knowledge on Internet technologies (communication protocols, API, presentation layer).
  • Good working knowledge on Microsoft Office package (Outlook, Teams, Excel).
  • Good command of Polish and English languages.
  • Other Eastern European languages such as Czech, Hungarian – would be a great asset.
  • Understanding of ticketing systems and Service Level Agreement.
  • Understanding of shipping business processes.

Project Roles & Responsibilities:
You are working with a team of professionals, providing solutions to customers for shipping, rating, and tracking. You are working with the customer on online shipping solutions and integrated systems, you are consulting with the customer and their IT partners, you support the setup and troubleshoot when there is an issue.

We expect that you: 

  • Have regular contact with customer users/management in English and Polish (and Czech/ Hungarian desired). Customer contact phone/not inbound.
  • Support peers within department and develop solutions together.
  • Deliver training to internal and external customers.
  • Support customers during all phases of solution development.
  • Provide production support and troubleshooting.
  • You will report to the Manager IT responsible for the region.

What We Offer:
  • A quick recruitment process
  • Standard benefits including preferential rates for LuxMed, Multisport and life insurance packages
  • The chance for a long-term cooperation on projects for top players in numerous sectors
  • Opportunities for future assignments with other leading clients through Hays

What will the recruitment process look like:
  • Your CV will be verified by Hays Recruiter
  • Recruiter will contact you by phone – a 15-minute conversation about the project and your experience
  • Conversation with the client – 1 meeting
  • Offer
  • Welcome to the project!

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under  the number 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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data publikacji: 2024-12-10

do końca oferty: 58 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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