
PracaOferty pracy ŁódźService technician for machine tools (m/f/d) in Poland

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Service technician for machine tools (m/f/d) in Poland




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Service technician for machine tools (m/f/d) in Poland

Digitalised machine tools - we offer you a top job as a Service technician for machine tools (m/f/d) in Poland in the premier class of mechanical engineering!

LiCON MT is a global manufacturer of single and multi-spindle CNC machining centres for the mechanical series machining of complex components. As a technology leader, we develop and produce highly efficient system solutions from individual machines to fully automated production lines at our headquarters in Laupheim near Ulm. As a medium-sized company, we offer young talents a broad insight into machine development and production and at the same time impress with our high technological depth. You can find more information at licon. com.

Your profile: 

  • Completed technical education
  • Analytical approach to troubleshooting and fault rectification
  • Attentiveness in dealing with customers and colleagues
  • Reliability
  • Independence
  • High willingness to travel

Your tasks:

  • Independently carrying out maintenance and repair work on our machines and linkages in the field
  • Support with new machine and conversion projects during the installation and start-up phase at our customers' sites

We will prepare you for your task with specialised technical service training and, if necessary, you will be advised by our service coordinators and supported by remote diagnostic tools during customer assignments.
 We offer you:

  • Innovation-strategic and future-proof company management with a sense of international success and growth
  • An organisation driven by team spirit
  • Agility and dynamism combined with the principles of „lean production“
  • Modern equipment
  • Consistent customer focus and target-orientated solutions
  • Interesting and varied tasks with creative scope for development
  • Individualised training concepts and future-oriented development opportunities
  • Attractive and performance-related remuneration

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data publikacji: 2024-09-26

do końca oferty: 58 dni

pracodawca: LiCON MT

branże: Produkcja / Przemysł


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