
PracaOferty pracy SzczecinAccountant with French

Kto szuka:

METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.


Accountant with French


Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1


Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

General duties
  • Responsibility for performing basic tasks within a selected area of ​accounting
  • Issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts
  • Care for the efficiency, accuracy and timelines of all tasks
  • Close cooperation with an international partner
  • Intermittent participation in business trips
  • Full engagement into the process of learning and adaptation
  • Supporting team's member in daily work

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Our requirements

  • Secondary education or university degree (relevant subject of studies preferred)
  • At least good knowledge of English and fluent knowledge of French
  • Ability to think analytically
  • Self-discipline and the ability to work under time pressure
  • Experience related with accounting

Firma oferuje:

Your benefits

  • Stability – Start with a 6-month contract, then secure a permanent one! We believe in long-term partnerships and hope you'll grow with us for years to come
  • Non-wage benefits – Up to PLN 8,000 per person per year, including performance awards, holiday subsidies and vacation allowances, and referral bonuses
  • A working system adapted to you – If you live in another city in Poland, you can work remotely and visit us once once in a while or relocate to Szczecin – the choice is yours
  • Relocation package – PLN 6,000 to help you move to Szczecin
  • Professional training – Courses in accounting, software (SAP), soft skills, and language learning to support your career growth
  • Free access to eTutor to improve your language skills or learn a new one
  • International work environment – Work with colleagues from different cultures, gain a global perspective, and develop cross-cultural communication skills
  • Higher salary – Earn PLN 400 to PLN 1,400 more if you know an additional language
  • Career growth opportunities – Twice a year, you and your Team Leader set goals that can open the door to promotion. Your development is in your hands!
  • Internal promotions – We believe in growing talent from within, and 3 out of 4 of our leaders have risen through our organization
  • Opportunities to expand your knowledge – Take part in various projects and grow your experience beyond your role!
  • Support for ACCA students – Includes an extra paid day off for exams and reimbursement of ACCA exam costs, helping you obtain your accounting certification
  • Team integration – Twice a year, bond with your team by choosing workshops or fun activities and enjoy a great meal together!
  • Company-wide events – Celebrate together at the annual Accountant’s Day and our legendary Winter Party with themed costumes!
  • Free well-being training – Because your well-being matters to us. Recharge with sessions focused on stress relief, relaxation, and maintaining a healthy balance in daily life
  • Private medical care (LUX MED) and group insurance – Can also be extended to your family members
  • Subsidized Multisport card – Because staying active is key to a healthy life!
  • Employment anniversary celebration – To acknowledge your milestone, along with gifts such as a speaker or Kindle
  • Recognition awards – Every two months, employees who go the extra mile receive engagement awards of PLN 400, and once a year, outstanding performance is recognized with a special PLN 2,600 reward
  • Modern, eco-friendly office – Located in a state-of-the-art building in the city center with easy access via public transport, helping you avoid traffic jams
  • Employee discounts – Enjoy special percentage-off offers on coffee and meals at service outlets in the Posejdon office building

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2025-03-26

do końca oferty: 22 dni

pracodawca: METRO Global Solution Center Sp. z o.o.

branże: Księgowość / Audyt


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