
PracaOferty pracy Kujawsko-pomorskieProject Manager

Kto szuka:

Hays Poland


Project Manager




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Project Manager
NR REF.: 1187211

We are seeking a result-driven, highly motivated Project Manager to join a manufacturing company in the automotive sector. If you are interested in exciting job opportunities, this might be the perfect fit!
•Coordination and Leadership of Project Teams, ability to lead global, cross-functional teams to achieve project objectives and deliverables with focus on quality, profitability, cost, timing and resource planning.
•Responsible for managing changes during the development phase until the project is transferred to the current production phase.
•Ensuring effective management of project scope, risks, communication, and reporting from inception to completion.
•Building and maintaining strong customer relationships and implementing action plans to achieve OEM goals.
•Managing internal operational processes and procedures for project teams, ensuring adherence to standards and effective process management.
•Ensuring all project phases are correctly completed and ready for transition to subsequent phases.
•Leading the development, management, and validation of customer requirements, including work declarations and design changes.
•Setting and achieving profitability plans.
•Identifying and effectively managing potential risk.
•Preparing and assisting in the development of bid documents.
•Ensuring timely billing of all project tools and instruments according to set deadlines.

•Experience in project management, preferably in the automotive industry
•Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Project Management, or a related field
•Excellent communication and organisational skills
•Proven experience of leading and coordinating project teams
•Ability to work effectively in a global and cross-functional environment
•Knowledge of project management methodologies and change management tools
•Technical mindset
•Experience in the automotive industry is an advantage
If you are interested in this position, don39t hesitate and apply now!
Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.

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data publikacji: 2024-11-13

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: Hays Poland

branże: Produkcja / Przemysł


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