
PracaOferty pracy KrakówStrategic Sourcing & Vendor Management Specialist with French - rekrutacja online

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Strategic Sourcing & Vendor Management Specialist with French - rekrutacja online




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

We are seeking an experienced Senior Vendor Management Specialist with proficiency in French to strengthen our client' strategic outcomes. This role is based in Krakow and centers on enhancing vendor negotiations, monitoring supplier performance, and managing governance for third-party expenditures.

Strategic Sourcing & Vendor Management Specialist with FrenchMiejsce pracy: Kraków Responsibilities:
  • Perform detailed cost-benefit studies to drive spending efficiencies
  • Act as the primary interface between clients, internal teams, and vendors to ensure smooth interactions
  • Aggregate extensive datasets and transform them into concise, actionable performance reports and key metrics
  • Oversee and execute supplier contracts, ensuring adherence to budget limits and achievement of cost-saving targets
  • Generate precise demand forecasts to effectively meet client requirements
  • Identify, evaluate, and negotiate service contracts
  • Oversee all dimensions of supplier management with an emphasis on profitability improvement and elevated client satisfaction.
  • Assess service coverage for varied customer segments and equipment types, and identify opportunities to expand our service offerings
  • Organize and lead routine meetings with suppliers to build and sustain robust relationships
  • Use data insights to inform decision-making and provide competitive market feedback, ensuring the field team has access to vital supplier metrics and tools


  • A minimum of 3 years’ combined experience in areas such as procurement, strategic development, pricing strategies, or data analytics
  • Business-level proficiency in French paired with a strong command of English
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze large datasets, identify emerging trends, and develop actionable strategies
  • Experience in a related industry or similar operational context
  • Solid understanding of effective vendor communication and industry best practices
  • Extensive knowledge of formulating, deploying, and awarding service contracts
  • Strong negotiation acumen and strategic procurement skills that result in favorable financial outcomes

We ofer:

  • Private healthcare (dental included)
  • Life and disability insurance
  • A flexible benefits package
  •  A Multisport car
  • Social fund support
  • Home office allowance
  • Career development opportunities

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data publikacji: 2025-02-24

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: HRK S.A.

branże: Logistyka / Transport / Zakupy


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