
PracaOferty pracy KrakówSolutions Architect

Kto szuka:



Solutions Architect




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Solutions Architect
NR REF.: 1190257

As a Solution Architect, you will join Federal Express Corporation (FedEx Express) - the world39s largest express transportation company. FedEx Express39 global transportation network ensures fast, reliable delivery of documents, packages, and shipments around the world.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities: - You will be responsible mainly for designing processes, technical infrastructure and architectural standards for development and implementation of IT systems.- Assessing the current system architecture and recommending solutions to improve it
- Providing supervision and guidance to development teams 
- Informing various stakeholders about any issues with the current technical solutions being implemented 
- Identifying and implementing data flows together with the different application teams
- Designing process improvements, systems development or implementing best practice within the area of expertise.
- Identifying potential improvements to the visibility and early detection of data flow issues
- Troubleshooting operational issues and challenges related to data flow

Qualifications & Competencies (education, skills, experience): - 
- 3 years+ Experience in the Enterprise Integration Framework space
- Experience with data flow mapping, optimisation and troubleshooting
- Ability to analyse operational processes and the data flows and applications supporting them
- Ability to provide architectural guidance on how to implement data flows both technically and from an operations supporting perspective
- Quality driven and experience in identifying and optimising quality improvements
- Ability to provide and design tools to control and improve data flow visibility
- Ability to design tools for proactive or early detection of potential data-glow problems
- Experience with analysing data flow issues both from a technical and operational perspective
- Fluent English

Technologies:- Knowledge of JMS messaging- Knowledge of TIBCO Integration solutions like EMS and Business Works is an asset.- Knowledge of the IBM Integration Platform like the MQ Series and the WebSphere Integration Bus is an asset.- Knowledge of AMQ- Knowledge of Kafka- Understanding We Service and MicroService implementations- Experience with Data Analytics toolsets- Excellent knowledge of SQL- Knowledge of Six Sigma principles
What do we offer: 
 - Employment contract
- Possibility of working mostly remotely
- Great working atmosphere
- An extensive benefit package (private medical care, life insurance, sports cards, meal vouchers)
- Opportunities supported by an organisation for personal and professional development
- Occasional gift cards
- Tuition Assistance
- Employee Assistance Program

Please send your CV in English 

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-12-08

do końca oferty: 57 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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